Baron Munchausen

Everything bad that has happened to her she brought upon herself.

Show Cersei isnt exactly the same as book Cersei. But in the books getting to see her 1st person POV you learn that she is an absolute monster from the beginning (She murdered her best friend as a teen). Completely selfish, full of hubris and ego. She thinks she is smarter than everyone else, but actually has no idea

But for them to historically always have dark hair, they have to never have a chance of passing the recessive light hair that might have come from a mother.

Baratheon DNA always passes the dominant alele, so they always always have black hair. I made that up.

Euron's fleet sailed south, then west around the tip, then north on the west coast. Jon sailed from the Northeast down the east coast. So they werent in the same place.

Thats a good point. Did Mel not tell Dany already about the White Walkers and the army of the dead?

I think the prophecy says she will be strangled.

Actually….that school conference was to discuss Abigail's sudden drop off in performance at school. It's possible Abi is not telling the real reason she has been stressed and wants to move out. See: All the comments above about some weirdness between her and Ed.

That was before his rebirth though….so maybe that makes a difference?

Sansa started the series as spoiled, selfish and delusional. Dont forget from season one it was her selfishness that led her to tell Cercei that they were leaving Kings Landing, giving Cercei time to order her men to arrest Ned, which led to his execution. And now she is taking lessons from Cercei, who has a strong

I disagree, I think Pete has changed. I think it was his insecurity in the early seasons that made him such a jerk. Now that he has actually accomplished some things he has gained some self respect. I think he wants his family back and will be grateful to have them and be a better man. Thats my take anyways.

I was thinking this too but I looked it up. In the books it is Ramseys idea to burn other kids and pass them off as the Starks, But in the show Ramsey isnt around for that, so I dont think he knows.

Wasnt it in fact Ramsay's idea to kill those other kids and pretend they were Bran and Rickon? EDIT: only in the books, in the show it was someone else.

Milana is my current top celebrity crush. She is just dreamy. I was quite excited to see her show up on this show. She has a bunch of youtube videos and stuff if you would like to see more.

Yep, turned on subtitles at the beginning of ep2. Was simply missing too much dialog otherwise.

As I posted elsewhere, I think it is an excuse for Marie to know something about ricin in a later ep.

Breaking Bad is based on a story I told Vince Gilligan years ago….Hrumph!

My thought was - they are setting up Marie to know a lot about poisons, like you know, ricin.

One thing that confuses me. In 5.1 Walter tells the waitress its his birthday and shows her his ID to confirm. It is a fake ID, so shouldn't it also have a fake b-day? But he puts his bacon into his age, so that seems like it is really his b-day. Isnt that a crappy fake identity if you use any part of your real

I absolutely loved this movie, but I can easily admit it isnt for everyone, and that your state of mind at the time will probably affect your enjoyment. I dont have to understand what is going on to enjoy a movie, and I can enjoy moodieness and cinematography just for itself. I see some other people thought the