
Maybe Eric was just tired of always being "in charge" all those years and wanted to let someone else take control. Being versatile (or the bottom) in the sack doesn't make you subservient.

I loved the episode when they all took a road trip to the Dunder Mifflin office in Miami for Spring Break shenanigans. Classic.

To be fair to Sookie (which is something I never thought I'd type) it seemed like 30 people died that night right in front of her so I'd guess she was pretty out of it. I mean, the dumb bitch was (1) walking home alone (2) through the fucking woods after (3) throwing away her cell phone. That's some next-level

I usually find Maxine pretty annoying but her saying "Who was a newborn last time I checked, what the fuck's going on with that I have no idea" was definitely my favourite part of the episode, I must have rewatched it five times.

@avclub-dd03de08bfdff4d8ab01117276564cc7:disqus The infected HepV scheme is a plan to wipe out ALL the vampires in Louisiana (which is basically the entire world in True Blood) not just the ones they have in the prison. The prison camp is being used for "research", so they're seeing how HepV affects the vampires in

To be fair that means it's only been like two weeks since they talked in the nonsensical True Blood timeline, tops.