
Yes, really. Everyone at the dorm has stopped watching it. Well, to be honest, that happened earlier in the year. Regarding Jody and Collette, who can keep track of all the cast changes? Not good.

I was a big fan of this show through most of Season 3. Now it feels like a bunch of "filler" episodes, so it can fill out the requirement for syndication.

The idea that Anna Camp "wanted out" is publicist-driven nonsense.  When Kaling eliminated Camp's character — who no longer appears in guest spots, by the way — a press release was drafted spinning both Kaling and Camp in the best light.

It's not so strange.  Kaling comes across in interviews as insecure and self-absorbed.  The idea that she would fire actresses on her show because they were "too pretty" is not that far-fetched.

No, we read the article.  The majority of us just don't buy the premise that Kaling's show is any good, at all.

And all those shows had strong voices leading them: Harmon at Community, Fey & Carlock at 30 Rock, Daniels (and Gervais & Merchant's concept) at The Office.

I'm not TJ, but I'll take a shot:

I wish the show were more like LUCKY Louie: cancelled after one season.