Uh, Talking Heads anyone?
Uh, Talking Heads anyone?
Here's the Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/…
Including a South African character, which is probably the first time I've seen that on a TV show in America (albeit one of British provenance).
Oh, it's actually an incredible film? Some people thought otherwise, but they exist outside of actuality, and you're reporting back from the realm of the actual to all us benighted saps?
I have the same question. Funny exchange that I did not see. Maybe in sneak preview of a coming episode?
Re: What's up with Jimmy, I would respect this show enormously if in the Season 4 opener, they just show a 10-second clip of him getting shot in the head and thrown off the boat and never mentioned again. Not that I hated the character, but I'd find the economy of the storytelling pleasing.
This movie is just a True Romance ripoff.
I got what she meant. She meant "I'm familiar with Harry Potter and little else about the UK."
By "Potterian", I think you mean Welsh. Aberystwyth is in Wales, which is a country.
Especially as delivered by a moron. (the character if not the actress)
is this original? i rather love it.
I don't want to wait…for our lives to be over!
Ahem, that should be Yaakov.
seeing as Halcyon is a word and Halycon is not, I'll guess the title is Halcyon.
seeing as Halcyon is a word and Halycon is not, I'll guess the title is Halcyon.
Are you referring to Besser? He seems the most dickish of the bunch.
Are you referring to Besser? He seems the most dickish of the bunch.
I'll kiss your lips.
I'll kiss your lips.