Teen Wolf

A white male who went gonzo over A Separation. A bold and inspired choice!

Agree with everything you said here, and was also going to note that John Ortiz is the best friend. He was pretty impressive here as a likable dude since I only know him from creepy Michael Mann characters.

Agree with everything you said here, and was also going to note that John Ortiz is the best friend. He was pretty impressive here as a likable dude since I only know him from creepy Michael Mann characters.

Some of the criticism of Girls is sexist.

Some of the criticism of Girls is sexist.

No, he's in an arctic tundra because he's been driven away from life by his tortured relationship with his wife.

Saw this and actually really liked it. The only element that rang false to me was the obligatory tortured wife relationship. Other than that, it was a nice return to the macho existentialism that Carnhan nailed so well with Narc and has abandoned since then for shitty action movies.

"Their mouths are always open."

You're kidding me… Tom's impersonation of Smash Mouth alone makes the Best Show a "Best" this week. Especially when he was teasing the audience with "All Star": "SOME……….. SOME………."

Finding stuff below the radar has always been difficult
It's actually much easier now to get obscure stuff than it was in the 70s, or the 80s, or the 90s, but you have to search it out as you always have. It used to be if you lived in a town without an arthouse, you wouldn't see any indie films, and it was unlikely

Tom is almost as litigious as Paul F. Tompkins, who is VERY litigious.

"allow such a thing to be pulled off," I meant to say.

Mockery from the sidelines adds nothing
Olbermann can verge into blowhard-ness, and the format felt stale as it does with every cable news show, but what he's trying to do (start an independent news source apart from giant conglomerates) is noble, and his star power might actually allow such a thing to pull off.

Good points, and I don't necessarily disagree, but…
…I think you're pinning way too much on the failures of Lights Out, Rubicon and Terriers, which all failed for specific reasons. Lights Out was a boxing show, a tired trope at any time, but especially when released right on the heels of The Fighter. Rubicon was

Exactly. I hate being the only liberal in Texas until I go to NYC or LA and am surrounded by annoying liberals, at which point I become John Yoo.

Wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing is satire
I think Mamet is sincere about defending Israel, but other than that he's too sly and cerebral to write a Sean Hannity book. Either that or liberal theatre folk prattle on all the time annoyed him to such a point that he's trying to alienate them all with one stupid

They were filming here the year I moved to Houston
This is my sixth year here.

They won't hire Romanek nor would he take the job
He inflated the Wolf Man remake's budget to $150 million then dropped out. He said he doesn't want to make big event movies, and I can't imagine any studio would hire him again to make one.

Tate will get the show canceled
I know she has her fans (I'm not one), but I watched this with a room full of people and she didn't make a single one even crack a smile.

1st Tree of Life review I've read from someone who gets Malick
Thank you, sir.