
I have to admit, I was sort of bummed… I finally register, and stay up to see if I can be first..to get the "cancer aids" comments.  Come on guys!  I read your posts every day at work, but can't post until I get home.  And by then I'm at least a couple of hours (if not days) too late.  Sorry, call me a masochist. 

Welcome ND..I'm a newbie too.  I've been reading this site for a year, and finally felt it was my obligation to register and get into the mix.  And yes, I was livid at Dean too.  Sam was able to handle a blast from the past, but Dean had to be the stronger one and step in…No wonder Sam doubts his trust.

I'm with you Gizmochimp!

That kid who plays Sam (Colin Ford) is pretty great.  Check out the movie "Lake City."  He holds his own against Sissy Spacek, Troy Garrity, Rebecca Romijn, and Dave Matthews (yes, THAT Dave Matthews.)

I actually liked the episode.  I thought Jensen's first shot at directing was pretty solid: the color tinged flashbacks, the slight connecting elements between the flashbacks and the present (Sam being handed a drink and putting the cold can to his head.)  And I was waiting for a "monster of the week" besides the new

Except perhaps Beyond the Valley of the Dolls…for which Ebert was screenwriter.

I'm with you fastandsloppy.  And let's not forget, I think he is the only film reviewer to win a Pulitzer prize.

I thought she was quite funny and yet heartbreaking in "The Help."  And damn, if she isn't in about five movies this year!

My first thought was  "Can they get away with this on basic cable?!"  Have been curious to see this, but those bastards at ABC got me hooked on "Revenge."

Thanks Zach!  This coming from a newbie who loves this site. I agree. I missed the mix of comedy/monster of the week episodes and was worried Supernatural would go the route of X-Files where the "arc" becomes more important.  But this episode blew my mind!  Finally, we get to see Jared act, and cement the brotherly

Nice interview.  I've admired Doug's work for quite some time, and nice to hear he (and NPH) are nice in real life.  I do have a question for some of my favorite commentors on this site (yes, I'm a newbie.)  For the fans of "Pan's Labyrinth,"  has anyone else picked up on the fact that the theme song is the same as