
This was probably the worst episode for me, especially all the drunk acting. There is some good talent on this show who deserve better than this.

That. Hair.

Why does every actor/actress on the CW look exactly the same, like they were all plucked out of the same generic modeling catalog? To be fair, it's not just the CW pulling this shit. Reading the comics as a kid, Archie never looked like a sexy ginger model who's jaw could cut you if you got too close. Going into

On episode three after snoozing through the first two. Not sure if that's my fault (probably), but I have to say the third episode is pretty solid. It may be slow for some. I like the show when it focuses on world building, detailing the Japanese and German sides of the country and their differences. The alternate

The first two episodes are awesome improvements, but then the third episode completely shits the bed. I'm sorry, but this whole "Claire as Frank's running mate" idea is so stupid it should never have left the writing room. I know this isn't a show that prioritizes realistic portrayals of politics, but this is such

I was pretty thrown off (in a good way) by the opening sequence and the introduction of the Murphy's without the old characters, but I almost immediately liked them more than the Garveys. The father ended up being way too menacing by the end of the episode for me, but still they were better.

Half-brother Dylan bleaches the hell out of his teeth.  No wonder he's broke. Kind of distracting.

If this is the end, I think we at least deserve a spin-off.

Agreed.  She was so authentic in the scene where Tyler asks her to stay the night, it hurt.  That kiss at the apartment where Tyler's head was practically vibrating from nervousness was amazing and hilarious.  There is a difference between Eileen's honesty and people who are upfront as a defense mechanism.  She's

Yeah they've seemed to pidgeonhole Luke Wilson as a limited actor, but that's not really fair given the work he's been putting in on this show since day one.  Any assumptions I might've had of him before Enlightened have been completely squashed.  In that podcast they really play up the whole "this show is so hard to

Too bad they didn't end up going with the title, "Rupture of Membranes in a Coke-Whore's Closet".

They should've left one of the body parts in Trudy Beekman's room.

Thought this was the best episode of the season.

Damn, that Jamie Sullivan sure has style.

This was my favorite episode of the season so far.  Everything was perfect.  Never thought I'd sympathize with a character like Helen.  Diane Ladd was fantastic.

I think they're gonna pull a 'Wild Things' with the Juliet/Teacher plot.  They're plotting to get her trust money back through a lawsuit by screwing her parents over, which would explain why she is acting nice to her family all the sudden and acting ridiculously obvious in front of her friends when she's around the

Great episode.  I knew it would be Connie that would side with her, after she'd said before that she didn't like Dougie's cursing (maybe ep 2 or 3?).  The interesting thing is that when Connie said that his behavior really bothered her early on, Amy came back with something along the lines of  "I don't really give a