Good old Gene Jones.
Good old Gene Jones.
I spotted Herc right away! Good to see him getting work.
And I was also pretty proud of myself for spotting the gas station attendant from No Country for Old Men ("so you married into it?") as the hapless diner guy in the opening scene. Maybe because he was playing the exact same guy this time.
LOVED the use of I'm All Out of Love. I wasn't sure how one could make that song so damn creepy, but he sure did.
Kevin, you sound like someone who has never touched an addictive drug in your life. It's so naive it's kind of sweet. Keep on keepin' on.
"Baby it's slowwwwww…. when lights go low….."
I remember reading that O'Neal had to stop other editors so many times from banning the Taco Bell Bell. Maybe the humourless spoil sports finally banned it?
Yeah but he ignored it for the first 10 years of his career or so, then dumped his girlfriend of 10 years and married a high-up member and instantly had a couple of little Scientology babies with her.
If Winter's Bone taught me anything…
Like… Wilkes Barre?
It's in Pennsylvania? Not, like, Missouri? Or Oklahoma?
It inspired me to never, ever leave my keys in the ignition.
Yes! This! My favourite scene is where the asphalt salesman is giving his pitch to Thornton's character and he's just passively listening then the wife comes home, tears up his card and walks away muttering "jesus," then goes in and has a drink. Maybe I laughed so hard because it perfectly reflects my marriage, but…
Yeah I thought I had heard it somewhere. Well, I guess some people have it, then they lose it, then it's gone forever. It's a phenomenon in all walks of life.
Ha! That's like the first rule of drug scenes! Never, ever, ever. When the music came on while they were fixing up I groaned.
The junkie dialogue was lifted word-for-word from the book (printed in the 70s) and the author was a former crime journo and cop. I am sure he met plenty of these scumbags in real life and it showed in the authenticity of the scummy dialogue. Also, Ben Mendelsohn is awesome! I'll watch him in anything. Even "Girls"…
Green Grass works too.
It's a good one to make people cry. "I will see you in the next life." also the opening line about red wine and sleeping pills…
And when I say "not to minimize your pain" I just meant I didn't want to be, "hey I know someone who went through that too! you're not special! Buck the fuck up!" like so many assholes who don't understand depression can be.
Not to minimize your pain, HDB, but my sis is just starting to crawl out of the same hole: losing her job, flunking out of school, losing her boyfriend, her apartment, right down to trying 40 different kinds of medication — including Seroquel and gaining 40 pounds in 2 months on another medication. This all happened…
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