Chandlers List

Sorry for nitpicking, but it's still Eobard Thawne, not Eobard Thane, right?

She sure gets my Dark Knight rising, if you know what I mean…

Gotta give it to Charly Barteau, the Blue Angels = winning

Gotta love his B'more accent though, am I right?

I hear you get to see her tits, the mark of a fine actress.

Walking Dead joke #36
Q: How does Lori stake a claim to the passenger seat?
A: Shotgun!
That is all.

Jorge Von Salsa Leveled Up!
+3 Strength
+ 2 Speed
Jorge Von Salsa learned Firaga!

Isn't that when the weather channel puts on the local weather? Thats where hip slang comes from these days, right? The weather channel?

A clever Canadian children's choir cavalcade could castrate you with a clamorous crushing of your cankered cullions.

K.A. Applegate > Beverly Cleary

So I guess
feminism was a failure.

Statutory rape is a stupid concept anyway. With so many teens having sex before they're 18, where else has a man in his thirties to turn for virgins?

Can I get a
FIRST. also, this women sounds like an idiot

@Rugby Union
Rugby sucks, its just how they would adapt American football for the special olympics. But you are right on one point, the most important world cup is next year: The ICC Cricket World Cup.

Need a female super hero who doesnt suck? That why Paul Dini's writing Zatanna now.

This just feels like some sort of parody…

Most people don't know this but…
The Martian Chronicles is actually only part one of Ray Bradbury's autobiographical trilogy. Next up, the Illustrated Man, and finally Fahrenheit 451. Oh how Ray loves to burn things.

God I hate them.

Pirates are copying my gold? Those alchemist bastards!