
No mention of the oddly endearing Israeli TV hit "Red Band" either. OK, not accessible on U.S. airwaves, but it does have something of a cult following online.

Surprised no one mentioned the Attractions' Costello-less turkey "Mad About the Wrong Boy."

As someone else already pointed out, there is no Fulton St. in the Pearl District. This is certainly not the first time that Grimm has played a little fast and loose with Portland geography. I can recall an episode last season where Nick and Hank scrambled out to a house on Germantown Road—only the house on the screen

As someone else already pointed out, there is no Fulton St. in the Pearl District. This is certainly not the first time that Grimm has played a little fast and loose with Portland geography. I can recall an episode last season where Nick and Hank scrambled out to a house on Germantown Road—only the house on the screen

It's an excellent, deeply layered film, and though I found the ending slightly frustrating, I can understand why Cedar ended it there. For those with some background knowledge of Judaism and the Talmud, the film is riddled with sly references. J. Hoberman has a nice, informative review of it over on www.tabletmag.com,

Pipes don't make sense…
Great interview! I think you have a typo, though. When he's talking about his time out in Connemara as a teenager and discovering a love for traditional music, I think he probably said "Suddenly, the _uilleann_ pipes are starting to make sense to me." He is a traditional musician, after all.