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    Also- the Ant Man film is being made by Edgar Wright and is rumored to star Nathan Fillion. It's probably going to be pretty awesome.

    Judging by Downey's appearance in the newest Hulk film, I'd say that Norton will be included.

    It's probably going to be the standard WWII origin story, and Cap'll be frozen in ice (or whatever) by the film's end. (I'm predicting the after-credits scene to be Robert Downey, Jr. Thawing him out, flanked by Edward Norton and Samuel L. Jackson.)

    Pudding isn't an especially stupid name. I mean there are bands with names like 'Spoon' and 'Led Zeppelin' running around, why not Pudding? Plus, it would be a lot of fun to say, 'I'm going to the Pudding show tonight!"

    Pants tent
    Stuff like that makes The Office for me. Michael literally pitched a pants tent. A tent made out of pants. Also the 'Mr. A. Knife' file was the funniest sight gag in a long long time.

    That was because they wanted to "do a line off his boner". To my knowledge, Charlie had no reason to believe they were raping the horses.

    I really didn't mean to say 'including' so many times. It's late.

    Personally, the best part of the episode for me was Charlie's strange obsession with horses, including his insistence he was a Centaur in a past life- Including his almost-unwillingness to defend his position, which I thought was a good indicator that he knew it was a weird thing to think or say, but believed