Pride of Xi Liang

Discouraging homophobic violence is not "thought police", it's "cultural correction".

For a society with a minimal level of violent street crime, Korea sure likes to include it in movies.

seriously this is really strange.

this is amazing

I like Sublime. A lot. Their fans can be a bit on the Hot Topic side, but Nowell was a genius at pastiche and would have progressed nicely once he grew up a bit (assuming that was possible).

Clint? Huh mother fucker huh? Dominant male monkey motherfucker!

I Don't Understand
Why Korean cinema is so good, and Korean TV is so ungodly horrible. Anybody who's lived in Korea for a while can tell you, it's aimed squarely at 10 year olds. Except anything involving Lee Hyori. !

, .

My Favorite Former NHL Division
Was Norris.

I will be at Chicago Diner, feeling smug.

As Was I
In 2000, won two games, but it was college so it was reallllllly easy. Timing the buzzers is everything because most of questions are pretty cake. I think I got on b/c I said I wanted to bike thru Europe with my winning (I was such a cool guy back then), when in actuality I blew it all on whey protein and