Gaspar No Way

One of the minority…
I for one really enjoyed this film and don't see any problems whatsoever in using Bergman as a reference point. The whole film is dreamlike and detached from reality, and even though the technical use of Esperanto is apparently lacking somewhat, it really does introduce an otherworldly aspect to

I've got Zentropa and The Element of Crime somewhere in a pile and I'll get round to them at some point I hope.

The Star Wars Prequels
I'm not sure if any 'true' fans of this trilogy exist (Kevin Smith aside), but I wouldn't consider myself a fan, neither am I vehemently opposed to them either, they are simply turgid and overinflated add ons to an existing trilogy that was fun, creative and pretty much ground breaking.

The Star Wars Prequels
I'm not sure if any 'true' fans of this trilogy exist (Kevin Smith aside), but I wouldn't consider myself a fan, neither am I vehemently opposed to them either, they are simply turgid and overinflated add ons to an existing trilogy that was fun, creative and pretty much ground breaking.

I feel the same way. Not a massive fan of Von Trier's work, but this really struck me as a visually arresting film unlike a lot of his previous output. It's by no means an easy watch, but my initial viewing experience was softened by the 'oohs' and 'aaahs' from the audience who had obviously come because of its