
My sister thought it meant you were believed in ghosts (she never bothered to ask she just assumed I guess) which got her into trouble when her friends asked her if she was virgin and she said NO—in 6th grade!

So when this came out I was about 10 and my sister was 6. We LOVED it and watched it all the time. Well I guess we should have explained some things to her because years later she told me that when we watched the movie she thought being a virgin (this is brought up when only a virgin can open the book) meant you

This would only be appropriate if you throw a party and you invite everyone you know.

Rasputin is Russia's greatest love machine! #thingsyoulearnfromjustdance

I also like Die Hard 2!

I wept bitter tears when I read "schmaltzy pop has-been Paul Williams"! Seriously, that schmaltzy pop has-been is the patron saint of my marriage. I'm going to write a strongly worded letter to the History Channel.

Next Newswire article will be "Deschanel to direct series finale of Mad Men". . .no word if Taylor Swift will cameo.


You might think that, but I couldn't possibly comment.

And with that statue the long foretold "House of Cards" prophecy is about to be fulfilled. . . @avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus

You can send your insurance claims to :
Stick Stickley
PO Box 963
NYC, NY 10108

Josie and the Pussycats is also under-rated!

This made me equally sad and happy.  Happy that I to have Clarissa explain it all to me, finally.  Sad because I didn't know about Clarissa Now.

It was supposed to be a surprise.

Apocalypse Now is probably one of my favorite movies.  My husband showed it to me as well as Godfather I & 2 as part of my film education, however our household refuses to acknowledge the existence of Godfather 3 and Jack.  It's probably why our marriage has lasted this long.

@avclub-ab7d240c84d7265faec0b698a29c6ca7:disqus Better not be!

You should work at a bookstore and/or library chat up another geeky, but super hot fellow employee and then just invite yourself over to watch tv and refuse to leave.  That works right @avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus ?

I commemorated the release by crushing my hand with a rock. @avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus

If only I could have had 2 boys do a dance off for me!  Sadly most of the boys I liked would have danced off into the sunset with each other. 

You suck!