My sister thought it meant you were believed in ghosts (she never bothered to ask she just assumed I guess) which got her into trouble when her friends asked her if she was virgin and she said NO—in 6th grade!
My sister thought it meant you were believed in ghosts (she never bothered to ask she just assumed I guess) which got her into trouble when her friends asked her if she was virgin and she said NO—in 6th grade!
So when this came out I was about 10 and my sister was 6. We LOVED it and watched it all the time. Well I guess we should have explained some things to her because years later she told me that when we watched the movie she thought being a virgin (this is brought up when only a virgin can open the book) meant you…
This would only be appropriate if you throw a party and you invite everyone you know.
Rasputin is Russia's greatest love machine! #thingsyoulearnfromjustdance
I also like Die Hard 2!
I wept bitter tears when I read "schmaltzy pop has-been Paul Williams"! Seriously, that schmaltzy pop has-been is the patron saint of my marriage. I'm going to write a strongly worded letter to the History Channel.
Next Newswire article will be "Deschanel to direct series finale of Mad Men". . .no word if Taylor Swift will cameo.
You might think that, but I couldn't possibly comment.
And with that statue the long foretold "House of Cards" prophecy is about to be fulfilled. . . @avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus
You can send your insurance claims to :
Stick Stickley
PO Box 963
NYC, NY 10108
Josie and the Pussycats is also under-rated!
This made me equally sad and happy. Happy that I to have Clarissa explain it all to me, finally. Sad because I didn't know about Clarissa Now.
It was supposed to be a surprise.
Apocalypse Now is probably one of my favorite movies. My husband showed it to me as well as Godfather I & 2 as part of my film education, however our household refuses to acknowledge the existence of Godfather 3 and Jack. It's probably why our marriage has lasted this long.
@avclub-ab7d240c84d7265faec0b698a29c6ca7:disqus Better not be!
You should work at a bookstore and/or library chat up another geeky, but super hot fellow employee and then just invite yourself over to watch tv and refuse to leave. That works right @avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus ?
I commemorated the release by crushing my hand with a rock. @avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus
If only I could have had 2 boys do a dance off for me! Sadly most of the boys I liked would have danced off into the sunset with each other.
You suck!