
Goat Vulva > The Mountain Goats

Goat Vulva > The Mountain Goats

A-Fucking, man.

A-Fucking, man.

Your breath and a buffalo fart.

While your wife gave me a skyrim.

While your wife gave me a skyrim.

I had sex with your wife.

I had sex with your wife.

You are frighteningly unaware of my gimmick:

You are frighteningly unaware of my gimmick:

Would you please speak up, for I can hardly hear ye.

Would you please speak up, for I can hardly hear ye.

Let's not let this rape become a murder.

Let's not let this rape become a murder.

LIKED having sex with your mom.

LIKED having sex with your mom.

Dean Ween is no Mr. Green Jeans.

Dean Ween is no Mr. Green Jeans.

Hey, @avclub-cc4d652dc742f697287f69465a4b46ba:disqus , shouldn't you be watching The New Girl or some shit?