
I thought the scene where Terry tells Boyle how a real pie tasting contest works was the funniest scene I've seen on TV this season. Crews' incredulous enthusiasm sells it perfectly.

Another Community connection - The baddie who wanted Casey to join his crew is the same guy who I believe played Kick-Puncher in Kick-Puncher and Kick-Puncher 2 from the episode "Romantic Expressionism" in season 1.

Also, even in the most laugh-less of episodes, you still get to watch Bianca Kajlich wear something too tight or too small.

I watch this show most of the time because it's on after BBT and Patrick Warburton could make me laugh by reading a phone book. I agree with Todd about Adam and Jen's couple being somewhat worthless the way they are (although Hudson's enthusiastic stupidity is often very funny, and can be a poor man's Chris Pratt/Andy

I felt she was off key. I was also very much disturbed by the vapo-rubbing. 

I totally have a Soft Kitty ringtone. I got it from some app off of the Android Marketplace. It's got several people singing it in harmony, and sounds like a jingle you'd hear on a cat food commercial. I also sang it to my kids one night when I was putting them to bed as sort of an inside joke that only I would think

Love the douche jar. That's what made me come back for the second episode. It needs to be featured prominently.

I think the best part about the episode, and something I really give the writers kudos for is the chicken dance at the end. As soon as Jess mentioned the chicken dance in the beginning, you knew, I knew, everybody knew that there would be chicken dancing at the end of this episode. What I liked about the way they