
Everyone but the Hamlet guy!

"It's okay. We're authorized."

I once noted on another site that you could tell the level of disdain by how many syllables he added to the word. Once it hit four, he was taking someone down, and doing it hard.

Except for the late night territory, all of which is being held in a death grip by Lorne Michaels.

We need to Spike this whole discussion.

No Homers.

One BILLION missed cues!

Hey, Seth Rogen, hey, Franco man
Yes, censorship riles
But lest we all forget, your movie's vile!
Your rights were done, trampled upon
When they hacked those files
But, fellas, let's all face one clear fact:
Your movie's vile!

I'm glad that you're my amigo, Negro, let's not fight!

Over on TV Tropes, they refer to the reverse of "Jumping The Shark" as "Growing The Beard".

"We found this Maquis in one of our cells.  Would you like to have him back to face disciplinary charges?"

I love Sound Effects when it doesn't include audience members, and it's just Ryan doing the sounds for Colin.  That led to some of the funniest moments on both sides of the Atlantic.

I had my doubts about McHale until the popcorn, too.

Ryan actively despises both Hoedown and Irish Drinking Song.  I wouldn't be surprised if limiting their use was part of the deal that he struck to come back.

I never had this confirmed, but I heard that it was insisted upon by the legal department of ABC so that they wouldn't run afoul of the strict game show regulations set up after the 50s quiz show scandals.

My great-aunt and great-uncle had small speaking roles in the film ("Oh, golly, I'm hot today!" and "That must be the tea.").  They didn't actually see the movie until it came out on HBO.  The family gathered round the TV, and my poor, reactionary ("socially conservative" doesn't even scratch the surface), elderly

They've managed to run into each other across the distances of all time and space.  It wouldn't surprise me if they bumped into each other in New York.

They've managed to run into each other across the distances of all time and space.  It wouldn't surprise me if they bumped into each other in New York.