
same I think that was such a powerful scene with important dialogue

internal misogyny is just great isnt it.

……are you white 'cus if that line bothers you so much it says something about you

ive been trying to decide that every week and each new week i tell myself 'maybe this ep will be good' ….

I was liking Laurel until she started making out with the bearded creep well I still like her just not when the creep is on screen with her

one can only dream of that happening

guess fitz is never going away then

i wish he did thatd mean we get to have a different side of Wes that isnt "Im-a-good-person-/puppy eyes/" i WISH he was a mastermind serial killer

ever since ep 1 i always thought the show pushed this story arc too fast and theyre trying so hard to have the audience invest in these characters when honestly i dont :/