I know what I am but what are you?! Nyaaah.
I know what I am but what are you?! Nyaaah.
Just when I thought this discussion couldn't get any more horribly tedious, Zowie!, you slam it out of the park! TaySway. Luv it.
Shut your whore mouth!
Slammin' Granny in the Fanny
Gummer? Oh no, I bit her.
Oh sweet Jesus, I was thinking Meryl was actually gonna flash us. Whew!
No, I've lost my infatuation with Michael Moore for other more valid, less psycho-babbly reasons. His first film certainly deserved the attention it received because its semi-ironic style was well suited to lamenting the decline of the American auto industry. The decline was not the fault of the any one particular…
Simply following orders or going along with the flow is really not a valid defense for helping to maintain the false front put up by the corrupt corporate overlords. Nor is it excusable of her to be so utterly oblivious of the heinous shenanigans her sinister employers are up to. Her vacant smile directed at the crowd…
Yes, I did see the banner: Mission Accomplished!
I prefer to ride in the plushly padded wicker basket strapped to his broad sturdy back as he gracefully lumbers down the well trodden path towards the next spectacular vista of the African savanna…
And what a revolutionary impact it had! Today the American auto industry is a veritable workers' paradise fecund with an embarrassing excess of benefits and comforts.
Chris Christie? Marlon Brando? Orson Wells? Oh of course, Bill Cosby.
I made the silly mistake of watching some of the Congressional hearing on the Iran nuclear deal today and a Representative from the Great State of Texas was basically demanding to know if John Kerry had made it perfectly clear to Iran that the US of A can and will bomb Iran further back into the stone age if we want…
They put a Chipotle in the old historic district. It's disgraceful.
I hope Nic Cage is picked to play the part of the normal, well adjusted helpful neighbor who happens to be a devious transsexual serial killer, and a Libertarian.
Someone really should do a semi-serious quasi-documentary exposé on the bewildering tragedy that is the continuing production of Michael Moore movies, perhaps hosted by a smug, sloppy schlub who's struggling with unresolved authority issues. Hmmph.
Chad, the new camp counselor? He's dreamy.
Direct hit! You sunk my AV Club.
Mars will soon be colonized. And gentrified. Hmmph.