Snidely Q. Dooshbaghe

You're kinda silly, aren't you?

I NEVER liked Joan Baez. Especially after she ran over my dog. Drunk. With a tank.

Ironically, those plastic titted freaks most need bras.

it is?

You Herded her away from it? Nerf! I mean, Narf!

You're talking about Unforgiven, aren't you? Yeah, that sarcastic, silly film was a shameful desecration of a sacred genre. Hmmph.

Why is father capitalized in your comment? You do realize, don't you, that your disturbingly pathological issues with your father and other authority figures is a product of abuse and/or neglect? Either way, you've psychologically conflated your own father with the All Powerful Fierce and Vengeful Father, and now They

Liar, you read it. Hmmph.

He's a good Christian boy. Give him a cookie and a pat on the head. Either head…

Cops, the TV show? It's awesome. Watching disenfranchised, marginalized poor folks getting their heads and asses beat by overexcited, adrenaline junkie officers of the law is a major turn on. Dude, come on over, we'll watch it together and jerk each other off as we sing Toby Keith songs and other 'Murican type

Trolls don't have fathers to talk trash about, so that only leaves you your rancid, sour thoughts on most every other topic about which you babble incoherently, ineffectually. Hmmph.

But what you fail to acknowledge is that through his frequent bankruptcies and megalomaniacal self aggrandizement Trump has, in fact, proven himself a relatively capable, even bankable asset. Freed from the burden of his old debts he's risen again and again, like a perverse Phoenix from his own foul, filthy ashes,

They pay stooges to do their idiot work, such as demonizing immigrants and slut shaming actresses who decline their awkward advances.

C'mon seriously, that family name was ruined a loooong time ago, but they've all been sucking on his rancid teats so hungrily that they have no clue what else to do. He has them all utterly helpless and powerless and sadly ineffectual without his overbearing presense. That's his management style and his parenting

Nah, he'd more likely begin to recite his well practiced rant on what a lousy American you are, how you hate 'Murica, and you just want it destroyed, like all the other college educated libtards. Then he'd pause to dramatically take a slow drag on his generic cigarette as he eyed you, keenly aware that your hesitancy

Were you there? My Uncle told me stories about blowing up villager's cows and pigs with C-4 and laughing as the families witnessed their livelihoods decimated. Then they'd burn the huts, for shits and giggles. Next, rape… You really don't understand reality, or care to, do you? Hmmph.

Trump's platform: I'm VERY rich.

Yeah sure, one is a rapidly aging, barely coherent, babbling bitter old coot. And the other is…

Republican's do tend to suffer from rather severe emotional and psychological deficiencies—possibly the result of childhood traumas involving runaway pets and/or misplaced or stolen favorite toys—and consequently are at a distinct physiological disadvantage when it comes to certain standard human experiences such as

That's a harsh way to talk about Tipper. Hmmph.