Yes, I have looked in there, and there's a lovely wren's nest with three adorable little spotted blue eggs moments from hatching. So precious.
Yes, I have looked in there, and there's a lovely wren's nest with three adorable little spotted blue eggs moments from hatching. So precious.
Yes, but what about the children? The Children!
Dear Alex McCown,
Charles Rocket?
See, the thing about Sandler's "movies" is that they're very much an extension of his original stand up routine and then SNL shtick for which he became extremely famous. His films are conceptual stunts, highly calculated and contrived meta performances whose true hilarity can only be discerned from an objective…
No, hold on, this stunt just might work, if the most hostile, vitriolic, expletive laden farewell comes from Jon's most notorious nemesis, none other than President Barack Hussein Obama: "Uh, Jon, you filthy vile pig fucker, uh, fuck off."
I'd say he's so white he's transparent, but then we'd be able to clearly see all the shit of which he is composed.
Rabid Season!
Oh boy, did you ever just Blast him! Bet that ruffled his feathers.
The Robertsons have a new product coming out in honor of their support for Jindal. It's a Dick Call… Get it? Not a Duck Call, but a Dick Call. I wonder if Jindal's hiring speech writers?
You're still the undisputed ass bass champion.
I believe those are methheads. Heroin is actually the preferred method of skin care, and weight control, of 9 out of 10 supermodels.
I saw Yes 10 years ago in LA and it was a fantastic. Chris Squire was having a great time, was so full of joy and real enthusiasm. He was the heart and soul of the band. I can't think of another rock bass player who was such an elemental and commanding part of a band's sound.
Allow me to paraphrase Scrawler's response to this trailer: Sploosh, sploosh!
Heroin addiction actually does amazing things for your complexion. Heroin addiction is quite worth the grim ravages to your life considering how good you'll look.
Your voice is a breath of fresh air.
A Whoa-man?
"Stepping Stone" is one of the all time coolest songs, ever, that is, until I heard that little blond twit absolutely destroy it for me. I can't unhear the nightmare she's made of it.