I hated it. Mainly because it was boring, stupid and trite.
I hated it. Mainly because it was boring, stupid and trite.
I recommend Babe2: Pig in the City regularly and when people believe me and watch it, they always enjoy it. It is a witty, beautiful film with honesty and pathos. Also, Steven Wright.
Thank you, AV Club, for once again proving your worth.
Mr. ie-tang, I wholly agree with your breakdown of the situation. Carry on.
Query: Is it possible to make a post about politics on this site without seeming like a troll?
Great, now I am crying again.
There is a Friday Night Lights movie. I know because I went to see it by myself in a nearly empty theater and cried. Twice. Loudly.
Got a laugh out of me.
Of course, if my team (go Tigers!) spent more than anyone else, I wouldn't mind a bit. But I'd also at least understand why everyone else hates my team.
It's not tired, it's just truth. The Yankees have had the highest payroll in baseball for more than 15 years now. Those late 80's, early 90's teams? Not the highest payroll in baseball. When they started buying talent is when they started winning.
I like them, they've got some above average tunes. They are sorta like Prince + reverb - sexy swagger. One could make the argument that Prince without the sexy swagger is terrible, but I think that'll land you in the realm of pretty good.
Why is it that we should automatically believe what her family says?