Michael Anthony

I think it would be great
To cover Alias. Sure, the show got wonky after Season 2 and Season 4 might arguably be one of the worst seasons of any J.J. Abrams show, but it still had some of the most compelling characters in any Abrams show and Victor Garber kicks everyone's ass.

Personally, I'm gunning for Sayid to pull some sort of redemption in the end. Like all his actions are leading him down the path of destroying Not-Locke. I know, most likely wishful thinking. But maybe Nadia (was that Sayid's love interest?) and what Not-Locke said about being able to bring her back or reunite them or

I don't think it helped that the actor that portrays Michael delivered every one of his scenes so poorly. I would rather him be gone now.

Best sentence of the week
"A writer aims to craft a serious inquiry into the foundations of modern society, and accidentally creates Gilligan's Island."

This episode actually makes me appreciate the Richard episode because it was a very well told story, albeit one that was a bit separate from the prime story in Lost.

I agree. It didn't seem to really stick this week.

Same here. This episode was kind of amazing, which shocked me. I've given up on any realistic plot points, but as long as it's fun, who cares? Also don't really get the whole "the treaty is a bunch of bullshit" idea. It's a treaty of peace…and now there is no peace. That's not important? Hmm…

Let's not pretend that you aren't on crack.

Anon, that needs to go in the hall of fame right there. Amazing.

I watched this tonight
For 20 minutes, then turned it off. 360 degree camera shots that go on for almost a whole minute? Really V? You're lamer than FDR's legs……too soon?

"Or is it just that a freed Blackie would tip the scale?"
Unintentional humor ftw.

I don't get the hate
Flowin' round the AV Club this week. After Leo's brutal C- and now this, I"m beginning to think you all hate life. But I"m only kidding. I think

Jeff and Britta are like Jerry and Elaine?

Scissor me!

I vote
For Tobe Maguire to get the Razzie for Worst Actor of 2009. Sure, there were probably worse, but he was god awful in this film and I felt like he sunk any potential it had with him and his bug eyed stares.

I full heartedly believe In Rainbows is much better than Kid A. In fact, it's my favorite album of the decade. Every song feels worthwhile and even catchy. I love it.