

Star wars works when it tells familiar stories with a star wars gloss. The prequels forgot that and are all about the star wars gloss, with nothing underneath. TFA almost works except the familiar story it steals is actually the one from Star Wars itself. For that reason R1 is actually the only one that feels to me

I stopped being able to suspend my disbelief about when it became clear that it was easier to jack and learn to drive the Falcon than it would be for a modern family car.

I agree. The most important thing about the books (lost on TV) is that they are is all about POVs, Dany is basically Sauron. Her story is about why invading with a horde of ravening orientalist stereotypes might seem like a perfectly reasonable thing to be doing.

I would have liked it if he had a moment of doubt before killing a bunch of guys he grew up with and had trained alongside as brothers-in-arms.

I enjoyed the first handful of episodes as a kind of satire of that kind of episodic sci-fi tv where there's some potentially hugely disruptive technology that is inexplicably used for small-scale crime-fighting (thinking eg Joe 90, or even Knightrider). In Dollhouse you quickly realise that the tv-show/Dollhouse

As a European I always assumed that Stay-Puft must be a well-known brand of marshmallow in the States. That not so?

"Luke, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. Your father was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed. Or, from another point of view, I cut his arms and legs off and left him to die choking by

I agree on the Sunday Format. What was the second?

The unjustly forgotten The Sunday Format does much the same thing for broadsheet newspapers that On the Hour does for broadcast news. Has Chris Langham, Rebecca Front, Armstrong & Miller etc. 100% worth tracking down.

For many the answer to the crime problem can be summed up in just one word: Bring back Borstal.

From now on you give half your snout to Grouty.

What tool?

I've always wondered if Aronofsky's Pi deliberately references this.

I agree. I aways took this as one of the jokes - she is the only one who actually has a career in communications per se and as a civil servant isn't liable to lose her job at the whim of the press/PM, and so is quietly competent. Or course everyone hates her

I agree. I aways took this as one of the jokes - she is the only one who actually has a career in communications per se and as a civil servant isn't liable to lose her job at the whim of the press/PM, and so is quietly competent. Or course everyone hates her

Adam Werrity wasn't a Spad - he was the Minister's "friend" - that was the point.

Adam Werrity wasn't a Spad - he was the Minister's "friend" - that was the point.

Story of the Bog Object

The problem is that it has this whole magic realist set up without really seeming to know why. Is the fact that we see Scott’s unremarkable love life in fantastical video game terms supposed to reflect how he sees himself? (Making him a colossal dick.) Or just what it’s like for anyone to be young and in love? Either