
Are we Negroes?

It seemed like Freddie mellowed somewhat. But I thought it was appropriate. Freddie has always seemed like a reflection of what Henry would be if Henry felt attractive or even sexual to me, at least in re narcissism. To paraphrase this week's Girls, Henry is full of shit, and Freddie is full of shit in an different

It's always seemed to me like the show is trying to coast on Russell Tovey's good looks when it comes to Kevin, which is why he remains a sketch. And of course the issue with doing that is that Haigh et al. seem to find Tovey's face more earnest than I (or I suspect, most people) do.

Yeah, right

If this isn't how Phillip reveals himself to Martha I'll boycott FX. You literally made me cry with laughter

I realize that this was a year ago but… yes, of course. International law affecting war is very new, but just of the top of my head, the first Gulf War is widely considered to have been a just and legal war.

I realize that this was a year ago but… yes, of course. International law affecting war is very new, but just of the top of my head, the first Gulf War is widely considered to have been a just and legal war.

*Lucille Bluth voice* "You son of a bitch! I hate this doctor!"