Colonel Earl Marlborough

All these comments and not a single Support Your Local Sheriff quote?

Nice attempt at a stealth firstie.

I discovered Wolfe with the New Sun books and branched out from there. It worked out well for me, and I think those books are the best place to start. They are tricky and complex, but if you hate them, then there's no point in reading his other stuff, and if you love them, then he has many other works to explore.

invited Shalit?

Just imagine if Eno had produced the album
In the vein of "Heavenly Music Corporation" or "An Index of Metals," Eno producing Neil's work could be really interesting. With this album, Neil appears to be pretty much out of ideas and using nothing but his usual chord progressions and melodies, but there are some really

We have Waffle Houses here in Phoenix, but my friends from Georgia insist that they are terrible, terrible imitations of the glorious Waffle Houses in the south. We also have IHOP, Denny's, Cracker Barrel, JB's, Village Inn, and probably some others I'm forgetting. No Perkins or Shari's.

I'll sing what I said.


"I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better" is the song I thought of when I saw the list, too. There is certainly some repressed pain in the song, but the tempo and music is so gleefully upbeat that it could count as a gleeful breakup song.

Color me shocked that most avclubbers don't know much about working out or steroids.

Wolfe's "Book of the New Sun" was inspired by Vance's novels, so it might fall within this category. It's also one of the best sci-fi books of the last 50 years, which doesn't hurt.

I was wondering about that myself. The phrase "a futuristic hallway of bosoms and bullets" doesn't really mean anything. Unless the future is going to be narrow.

Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, 535 U.S. 234 (2002). It came to my mind, too, when I read that attorney's comments.

""Skin Horse" from that album rocks my ass."

Dark Side
Oooh, the dark side of Dizzee Rascal. I'm sure he's very deep.

They're waiting on a replacement gumball machine.

Is bread and butter a diet staple of the Internet douchebag? There should be a documentary about the feeding habits of Internet douchebags. I assume there is plenty of Red Bull used to wash it all down.

"May I see the chart?"

"When Ray Charles read it he said "Drunk talk isn't meant for the papers.""

Apparently, I cannot tell which thread I'm posting on and simply post based on the user picture above me. Fail.