
Artie's facial expressions
In addition to his speaking manner, Artie's facial movements were always very funny, whether he was happy, sad, angry, drunk…

Why do engineers have this rep for not being creative?
If anything they're the most creative. They just suck at PR.

Tom Hanks was also funny in the Roxbury skits.
Granted, they played up the fact that he couldn't do the head bop thing.

alurin is right.
Immigration (legally) to the United States for Iranians currently is very very difficult.
It was ok until the 2nd term of Clinton, when all of a sudden all Iranians were somehow regarded as terrorists.
Most of the Iranians you see in the States currently came during the late 70s when getting a visa was

Me thinks
that we're mostly angry because he's schtooping Katy Perry.

I think there's a scene with a guy defecating out in the open.
Also another scene where the landlady's husband throws him out of the apartment, he falls, a flower pot smashes him in the head, and blood pours out slowly everywhere on the courtyard.


Out of order
Empire strikes back was the first of the Star Wars movies I saw. I was only 8 and was actually kind of scared. What stuck with me though was the design of the city in the sky. I am sure that city has to be inspiration for alot of people who went into architecture and civil engineering.

No Indian would go on this show for fear of shaming their mother, father, siblings, relatives and becoming the laughing stock of their entire community.

My parents were (foreign) university grad students, so growing up we would only get cable if they offered it free for a month or in the summer when the World Cup and Euro Cup would be on.

Its the same when you're growing up in a Muslim family. The worst part was coming back from Christmas holidays and hearing all the kids talk about how much they love their new gifts, while I at best probably got some new underwear.

The poor dog in that k-9 movie actually got killed in the line of duty a couple years later.
He was a real police dog.

Old people love CBS.. Old people seem to have all the Nielsen ratings boxes. Old people viewing is heavily over-represented. Old people hate computers. Old people not young people. Young people watch shows on computer.
Old people shows get renewed. Young people surprised their "unique" sense of taste is not shared by

Victor from Young and the Restless was in the original.
Damn, I must go see this now.
Also he needs to be in the remake.

Weight is the major issue when in CGI for me. The CGI character could be a 2000 ton monster but its footprints and body movements cause nothing to happen to the surrounding environment of the monster. This is particularly more noticeable when the background itself is CGI as well.

In Western Canada, milk in a bag is very very rare.

Parisians are jerks to anyone who isn't a Parisian. You can ask other Frenchies about that.

Yes, Turkey is awesome.
Midnight Express is horrible, potentially even worse than "Not Without My Daughter".

Does the series talk about what happened to the Expos?

Yugoslav sports and politics
For an excellent documentary on the breakup of the country known as Yugoslavia and how it affected the athletes involved in it watch "The Last Yugoslav Football Team". Its about a generation of Croats, Bosnians and Serbs who played for Yugoslavia in a Youth world Cup. Most of those players