
I haven't watched the show in a few years, but based on some things I've read, one thing immediately jumps out at me: After being told for a long time when the show first started that Ted was going to meet and marry his soulmate, doesn't it seem like Ted and The Mother are basically being forced to settle for each

GODDAMMIT!!! I can't believe this show is ending. The writers, actors, directors, producers, etc. have all brought their A game to send this show out on an incredible high. I can't believe we are so close to the end and how the final pieces of the puzzle are starting to take shape. We are definitely going to be raving

"Uh, hey guys. You know, our popular show is also ending very soon. Someone…anyone? Hello. We have candy." - Everyone Associated With Dexter Right Now

I always thought Scarface was just a wannabe Godfather.

Re-watching the midseason premiere after this episode, I'm starting to wonder if Jesse isn't the one who spray paints "Heisenberg" on the wall in Walter's house….

I know Joshua kind of eluded to it, but am I the only one who now thinks Showtime's decision to put Dexter's final season on in the summer, opposite the final episodes of Breaking Bad, has turned out to be a huge mistake? I mean I had only stuck with Dexter to see how things played out at the end, but have not watched

I was able to marathon through the series over the last month in anticipation of being finished by the time Todd's reviews wrapped up. (I don't know if I recommend viewing the show that way, because as much as I appreciated it, and I REALLY did, I think I overloaded my brain with so much and didn't give it a chance to

I was able to marathon through the series over the last month in anticipation of being finished by the time Todd's reviews wrapped up. (I don't know if I recommend viewing the show that way, because as much as I appreciated it, and I REALLY did, I think I overloaded my brain with so much and didn't give it a chance to

If you weren't in love with Interpol's "Turn On The Bright Lights." you can get the hell outta here.

If you weren't in love with Interpol's "Turn On The Bright Lights." you can get the hell outta here.

Cockblocking widow.

Cockblocking widow.

I'd like to argue the merits of this season of Game of Thrones being better than Breaking Bad. No one is allowed to have a personal opinion like that.

I'd like to argue the merits of this season of Game of Thrones being better than Breaking Bad. No one is allowed to have a personal opinion like that.

I think we are setting the bar low at 100,000. I mean, honestly, we have four months with no more Community episodes to discuss. ONE MILLION. AND….GO

I think we are setting the bar low at 100,000. I mean, honestly, we have four months with no more Community episodes to discuss. ONE MILLION. AND….GO

But we have had hints in the past  that she would never have kids, so it's not like this came completely out of left field. It was just a lazy way for the writers to throw a twist where there really wasn't one to be had.

It's clear that the writers are afraid to actually take any bold steps with these characters or their story right now. I wasn't a fan of the Robin pregnancy announcement from the start, but it was a nice change of pace and something that could easily have worked if they actually wanted to do give her a kid.

The best description that I saw for the end of this (amazing) hour of television was on Twitter. I forget who said it, but this was described as Walter White's 'Red Hood' moment. There may not be a more apt description than that to describe what just happened.