
actually i always told my friend billy he looked exactly like him. when i mentioned that i was going to do this for halloween, some friends were like, "no, that's billy!"

You underestimate how iconic that image is. I had to explain it to about 3 people over the course of 3 parties. Nearly everyone recognized me. That image lingers in *every* episode of one of the most popular and widely syndicated shows of all time.

you guys could've commiserated…

nobody knew my name! i was only a guest of a friend of the groom's.

Hey, this is me! (And most people actually knew who I was.)

yeah, keeping pushing the "deadline's unreliable!!" angle to bolster the fact you were doubting the truth from the start

having had friends end up in the exact same scenario as shoshanna, i thought it was pretty spot on.

having had friends end up in the exact same scenario as shoshanna, i thought it was pretty spot on.

Nothing terrifies me more than spiders, and of course this episode comes just after hearing a story from a friend wherein a wolf spider climbed into his ear canal on a 'shroomed up kayaking trip with friends, crawled deeper and deeper in as he frantically tried to poke at it in an attempt to get it out, until he had

So distraught was he by the fact that Hudson is no Larisa Oleynik that he puts a hit on her.

Also it made more sense lyrically.

Chip City by far — it had a skyline!  And wasn't sad in a "dance monkey dance!" sorta way.

Todd, you nearly got your Christmas wish.

I'm hanging on by a thread at tolerate.  When I realized she was a one-off character, that thread got a little weaker.  (And Google image search DID confirm!)

…How I Met Your Mother — I even liked Miss Guided. (But then again, Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men).

Well…it is the Wire.

I went to the "Play" and "Loop" gallery show when this was filming, and I'll never forget the way Bill Powers pulled up on his Vespa like the foppiest fop that ever was.  (Also, that deaf Facebook comment trumps SJP's by far in my book.)