
Thankfully I'm finally out on college football, it's become sickening. I went to Penn State, and that mess put it all over the edge. Actually Penn State is the only team I can now watch cause it seems like they have now become the only big team with some of the illusion pulled back and some self-awareness.

Football (the American version).

Football (the American version).

After seeing La Jetee, that one's stuck a lot more in my head than Twelve Monkeys. Except for the music. The Twelve Monkeys theme song is so devilishly perfect.

After seeing La Jetee, that one's stuck a lot more in my head than Twelve Monkeys. Except for the music. The Twelve Monkeys theme song is so devilishly perfect.

I agree "Complicated" is better (I think it's a very good song, I actually love it) but it's literally the only tolerable song she's done that I know, so I consider it a lightning-in-a-bottle outlier that is tossed out when talking Avril in general.

I agree "Complicated" is better (I think it's a very good song, I actually love it) but it's literally the only tolerable song she's done that I know, so I consider it a lightning-in-a-bottle outlier that is tossed out when talking Avril in general.

I've always liked Train's first album though. Is that a major sin against taste, or acceptable?

I've always liked Train's first album though. Is that a major sin against taste, or acceptable?

There is a recent-ish French horror movie called Them and it's terrible.

There is a recent-ish French horror movie called Them and it's terrible.

Only two songs seemed worth the listen on this one to me, "Ho Hey" and "No Lie." Steven totally nailed it in his take on that one. Although at This Was Pop aren't we mostly over guilty pleasures? Aren't they just pleasures?

Only two songs seemed worth the listen on this one to me, "Ho Hey" and "No Lie." Steven totally nailed it in his take on that one. Although at This Was Pop aren't we mostly over guilty pleasures? Aren't they just pleasures?

I still don't really get Jessa getting married though. I guess I don't understand why she would give any consideration to what her babysitting boss tells her about her life. There's not even the slightest indication that Jessa has ever given much thought to her at all or that Jessa would take into account advice

I still don't really get Jessa getting married though. I guess I don't understand why she would give any consideration to what her babysitting boss tells her about her life. There's not even the slightest indication that Jessa has ever given much thought to her at all or that Jessa would take into account advice

I don't really have an opinion on that article, but I do think you do at least touch a point; that some critics online including Todd are not being very objective critically about the show because they've felt a need to defend it from vitriol and then they've invested both themselves and their online persona/voice in

I don't really have an opinion on that article, but I do think you do at least touch a point; that some critics online including Todd are not being very objective critically about the show because they've felt a need to defend it from vitriol and then they've invested both themselves and their online persona/voice in

Or as he's known in our household, the dude from Derrick Comedy's Bro Rape.

Or as he's known in our household, the dude from Derrick Comedy's Bro Rape.

I agree for the most part, I don't really think we are seeing it that differently. It's just that I don't think he swings that fast from delight to outright despair, cause I think that's a pretty drastic mood swing. The way I interpret his change in expression is that he's been hit with a pang of fear because he's