
The far shoes look like two left shoes to me, not different left and right shoes.

Best dick cream joke….ever

I criticized this show on another thread a few months ago and someone jumped down my throat.

That comment is bordering on a Spoiler…

Well, I guess we can agree to disagree then.

As an example, Nina could've just said that Peter can see the ship because he's from the other Universe, or another timeline, without noting that he vibrates at a different frequency. Same for why the ship is invisible.

It would be the same character, with memories of all the events we've seen this season, but simply no longer in love with Peter.  I don't see how it would drastically alter the plot that much, and it doesn't rule out a pregnancy.

Fist Bump!

Obviously the science is akin to magic, but I agree the floor rune and also their incessant explanations involving vibrations is annoying.  It's better to obfuscate the science explanations, so the viewer doesn't have the implausibility jammed in their face.  Just say, "This is a scientific phenomenon and we can stop

First of all, Nina's helicopter talk almost made me vomit.  And they really should try harder to obfuscate the science because all the talk of vibrations stretches my ability to suspend disbelief; I know everything for the most part is total nonsense, but when they dance around the scientific explanations more it's

Adventure Time is cool, but can I get some love for The Regular Show?

Not true.  No ex-post facto criminal laws, and it's unfavored elsewhere, but it's wide open in the civil law for the courts/legislature to change the rules after the fact.


I wasted a lot of time in my youth on that goddamn game and it sparked a decades long moratorium of video-gaming in my life, hence I think it's probably the only no-brainer on there for me.

This show is not painting modern native American's in a very good light.  I'd mention Seattle too, but I'm sure that's already been noted.

Do they address the fact that "dowsing" is not real?  While their may be methods for determining the likelihood of discovering gold, dowsing is not one of them.  It's the same thing as a Ouija Board.

I doubt Bell's motives are the same as Jones, so I'm positing that Bell is preparing for the Observer invasion by creating a new world full of awesome monsters.

While I agree somewhat, it could be argued that Jones was surprised by Peter and Olivia.  Considering that Bell obviously meant to kill Jones, maybe Jones wasn't expecting them or at least not so soon.

Not what I was thinking.  Similar, but BSG obviously couldn't figure out a solid way to end all of the disparate elements and characters built during the show's run; they didn't have an ending and eventually forced an ending into the story and the characters ( Starbuck?).

I'm don't think I'm glossing over how urgent the situation was, I'm upset that they so unartfully concocted this threat, which at no time ever feels very dangerous, because as soon as closing The Bridge was mentioned it's pretty obvious that it's gonna be done.  And I hope I'm wrong it but it seems like they meant to