
I think the points are general, obviously you can find exceptions but in my experience they seem pretty solid.

So, if they were rating, this gets an A, right? Yes. Thank you.

There are a couple non-direct parodies.  Some about Schwarzeneger don't follow any movie I know of and there are a few involving Jeremy Hawke, again, that don't cover any movie's I know.  Ah! and they parody Orson Welles (a commercial parody, but not a film) and Marlon Brando in several non-direct film parodies.

I think Anderson filmed the movie and Greenwood created the score almost completely separately.  Greenwood sent him some instrumentals he was working on and Anderson realized they would be perfect for the film.  The music is amazing, but knowing that it wasn't custom built from scratch for the film is really

Stumble is like being drunk on the internet.  I had this awesome burger one night but I can never remember the place, it was somewhere around here…


Awesome ep!

I'm advocating that we send black cardboard beards, to let them know we're committed to evil until they return us to a timeline where Community gets at least 6 seasons.

I think Troy and Annies reaction when Batman walks around the corner then reemerges as Abed was the funniest gag.  Although I guess it's not really a quote.

I'm not a regular viewer of this show and it choked it me up a little bit; it gave you the sense of someone you might know actually dying.  Good episode, but I hope they don't bring him back in any significant way.  Maybe they could have a glimpse of him but any communication or mutual contact I think would be cheap

I assumed that was Dick Tracy, and the guy above looks like Dave Mathews.  Both of which are staples of Alabaman culture.

It's interesting that the actor who plays Tyler is the co-creater with Dern.  Apparently, he was very interested in the breakdown aspect and Dern is interested in New Age magic; i may have that incorrect, and I'm drawing  a blank as to where I read or heard those comments but they definitely came from "Tyler," maybe

I'm thinking the people behind Taylor's son and the Sixers are not evil per se, but rather want to help the future using the resources from Terra Nova.  So, in the future people are dying and suffering and the resources of Terra Nova could help, possibly with minimal impact on Terra Nova's planet, though perhaps

Was anyone else hoping beyond hope that the General was gonna be Garland Briggs (possibly returning from the Black Lodge!!!!), AKA actor Don Davis from Twin Peaks.  ("Taylor…that gum you like is going to come back in style")

Duke is the break-out character.  He's good in these early episodes, just gets better during the run, and when he's the focus of main plot it rarely disappoints.

"“Dial ‘M’ For Mother” doesn’t have an emotionally satisfying ending."

They take a blood sample from an infants foot for screening and some states and hospitals do save them.  The blood goes right onto some kind of card so it doesn't require extraordinary storage or packing.

I totally agree.  This was an okay MotW but well blended with the "mytharc" (the complete series, myth, or season plot, arc?).  The synergy raised it up a notch in my opinion.

Have we seen her iron fist lately?  Am I remembering that right? She did show off a  metal hand at some point, didn't she?

They didn't mention sterilization in the PBS show.  They did note mutations, in newly birthed animals, but they weren't surviving or affecting the population numbers at not in any way comparable to humans.  They were reintroducing endangered wildlife that were breeding into larger populations.  So, yeah, I don't know