
The dated jokes and parodies usually make me sad that the show isn't still on the air.  Thinking about all the movies and trailers I've seen over the last year makes me wonder what they could be mocking today.  I'm sure they would probably be having some serious discussions over Eberts jaw(throat?) cancer and whether

The face is dead-on though.  I'm thinking use the camera and perception tricks they sued for Lord of the Rings but treat all the character's other than Don as Hobbits.

Obviously Walter built that in the 70's.  Duh.  My Dad built an iPod out of balsa wood in '86 that's gathering dust in his old Harvard apartment.

Did we ever see the universe-binding machine in this season?  Does it have a "seat" for someone to activate it?  I'm betting they never address exactly how the machine got turned on, or maybe note how no one seems to fully remember or understand how it happened, in this time-line because it seems like it would be hard

Yeah, I think there are a lot of holes in the whole time machine scene.  Also, the tunnel thing confused me; when the train appeared it stayed within the time-bubble but the water in the tunnel starting gushing out.  Again, the lady with the baby and the fire, returned to current-time status when she left the building.

That was the future, so not technically a separate 'verse.

I'm wondering how many theoretical physicists are female in our universe?  Even on the show most of the scientists are men, even Nina Sharp who, while clearly versed in super-science, seems to be more of a CEO/management type.

We had a meeting about the shape-shifters, and the shape-shifter using the typewriter.  Those are probably the meaningful interactions with the Alternate/Co-Universe.

This guy should play Don Quixote.  Assuming such a movie is ever made.

And don't "clarify", declare yourself as the "Great [Russian/American/Russian-American] Film Critic Ignatiy Vishnevetsky."  Let viewers know that your Cossack blood is used to develop film.

Do they recoup any costs?

Except NPR does charge every station that airs their programs.  Ebert says his current deal involves him funding the show and it being distributed free.

I wonder if they even tried to get PBS funding.  I'm not even sure if NPR, or my local station (WHYY) do film reviews on a regular basis.  If they did I wouldn't have to slum it on this site all the time.

I disagree with about everything you just said, and when my head stops spinning maybe I will try and find you, but for now be certain that not one dinner will go by without my family discussing your rotting corpse.

Maybe I missed the part where that show sucked because I thought Mission Hill was awesome start to finish.

I had the total opposite response.  I felt like it was going to be good, and I started to chuckle, but it felt flat and just mean after it happened.

I can't believe the random comments totally missed….
"That's not right.  Now a grown black man and a young white boy driving across country, that feels right!"The voice actor who does the principal is great, he just makes good jokes better.

It's awesome that the AV Club is covering The Critic!!!  I'm a big fan!!! (of The Critic, not the AVClub)

Cliffhanger?  It's obviously hazing, pure and simple.

I just noticed "Psychic Surgery" in the amber intro, which in my humble opinion is weak.