
and the diet sodas

No that was a game they played sometimes. Reed would put on clown makeup and call himself bonkers during foreplay. "You're a cock clown, funny fuck me!" she'd say.

Ok so there is no level of upset you can be about this casting decision that does not make you a crazy person then? Got it.

I think it'd be normal to have strong feelings about that if you are a big Batman fan. As long as its more of "oh man not him" instead of "SWEET @$%^ING ASSBALLS AFFLECK AS BATMAN $%$$ING NO WAY."


Dude hangs dong

Also they have to travel back in time to shoot it in the 80s.

Fred Durst stormed away from the designated karaoke area near the bar at an Applebees.

You beat me to it, I'm glad I checked.

So you are saying that as of right now it is not a laughing stock?

Don't try to make this about the fandom, the fandom is solid. Its Affleck who sucks.

Something about constantly working on many projects, just not working hard on any of them.

Thats why Damon wants to play Green Arrow. He'll show Renner how to play an arrow based super hero.

I'd like it Marvel went out of their way to make a good version of Daredevil that would come out the same summer. Just to remind people of how much better things can be without Affleck.

Clooney did not pull it off.

Yeah, but Affleck will make it that much stupider and that much shittier.

I'm guessing McConaughey will be leaving his wig on though right?

He should have called them foils.

You got so fat you had to remain in bed all day? Thats what happens to all mega obese people. I don't see why you needed a documentary.

I don't follow baseball, but that guy sounds pretty awesome to me.