Tales to Enrage

That was the one character that disappointed me. I've never been that happy with Terry Farrell as Dax, and I know it might have been hard to find a better part for her, but giving her a total of 3 lines still seems like a waste. She might not be a great actress, but she's not a bad one.

Definitely. As much as I like to be one of the first commenters, I also want to make sure I don't make points that were prominent in the review itself, so I don't waste anyone's time, mine included. :P

Fair point. Though by the same token, does that lack of make up benefit Dorn and Martok's actor (whose name I cannot remember) as well? Because for me, until he talks, I would have never picked him as Martok.

I had been debating what I would say for this review, just because I wasn't sure how to engage with the material. I mean, yes, it's a vision of some kind, but I don't think it was ever meant as a straightforward thing for Sisko; it's hard to argue that Benny Russell's struggle is worse or more important, in isolation,

I don't know, I think Nana Visitor and Alexander Siddig do a good job with what they have, they just don't get much. Armin Shimmerman and Auberjonois probably come off better because they just get more time, since they directly spar with each other on both small matters (donuts) and big issues (artistic integrity).

Sontarans in all sorts of bondage gear.

Regarding the trial of Gul Dukat idea, I think "Waltz" makes a much better trial for Dukat than an actual Federation trial would have been. Imagine how deadly dull that would have been as an episode, even speeded up to fit within 42 minutes.

Well, that's why I said he got sucked into their orbit. I don't think Bashir would normally be so negative, but unlike previous lines where they tried to make him the odds guy post-genetic engineering reveal, here it's a reaction to being around people like him in mental capabilities.

I'm not sure it was intended to make any statement about mental illness or genetic disabilities, though it's hard to avoid that reading. To me, the group works well because they're not given any specific, real mental issues that could be diagnosed today, so they don't get any hacky, stereotypical issues, like Patrick

I like "Statistical Probabilities" for the fact that you get to see Bashir sucked into the orbit of other genetically engineered humans, feeling comfortable in a way he never would among his real friends…and then getting pushed back out of that orbit as his empathy and socialization isolates him from them again. Jack

Oh, we don't need lines about Trill ceremonies, but something like "My first wedding went off without a hitch. The second ended up blowing up the temple we wanted to hold it in."

It's actually how Worf avoids non-mission conversation.

With that in mind, it actually would have been nice if Dax had gotten to talk about her previous hosts' weddings, and how they went. Maybe that would have played into some of her behavior here. Having said that, I'm not sure how they would have found the time to insert such dialogue.

I like the payoff for the "kill Worf" scene too, where Martok is clearly having to restrain the far-too-enthusiastic Bashir and O'Brien from attacking too soon.

Are the Prophets a cheat in Sacrifice of Angels?



I think one of the reasons why the other characters don't comment on it is that Dukat normally only turns up the "charm" with Kira when they're alone. He's the normalish guy in public, the creeper when he feels it's safe to do it.

Agreed. Brooks can make it work despite the goofiness, and Farrell can't. I've come to appreciate that some of the issue with Farrell's acting is the complexity of the part-anyone would have trouble with the brief of acting out 6 different people in one body, without allowing it to come off as schizophrenic or actual

It's actually a good thing that the difficulty gets highlighted before the female founder appears and offers the Link. Without that inciting incident, Odo might have been able to summon up the strength of will to resist the offer to link, but he and Kira were already starting to splinter, which I'm sure was increasing