Tales to Enrage

She's really betrayed by the story structure. If she'd had more time to appear on DS9, even as just an ensemble character, she could have become a permanent cast member, at least for a while. I'm not saying she needed to be used in that fashion, but it was a bit of a missed opportunity if it wasn't at least considered

As much as "Sons and Daughters" has problems with the Alexander story, I think it was good to at least have an episode checking in on Worf during the fighting, since he was separated from the rest of the crew. Plus, I do love when Martok comes in and basically tells Alexander he's a bad warrior not just because his

Also like Santa Claus, this primarily manifests as plaque that hardens the arteries leading into the heart, causing cardiovascular diseases if left untreated.

I object to the fact that the word "into" was used in any context where Neelix was involved.

But Dukat isn't wearing a sweaty black T-shirt that says "Wonder Woman Powers My Ring," right? Or is that under the Cardassian armor?

Lorf: The uncomfortable feeling when you see a couple that you know does not work, but they insist it does, and you are too polite and/or invested in their happiness to state the obvious about the relationship.

Another thing: A loooong institutional memory. Thanks to the Founders, they can literally recall hundreds, if not thousands, of years of experience fighting wars. So rather than having to go back into the archives to remember how to handle this, whatever Founder is around can go "Do this, this, this, and this. I might

This is cheating, but I'll go with e) Maintaining the appearance of DS9 for the purpose of retaining the civilian populace. Since the Dominion is keeping the Cardassians from going full bore "REVENGE!" mode on the Bajorans, they want to make sure the Bajorans who are on the station don't just bolt as soon as they can.

That last patch really ironed out most of the major Admiral bugs.

Maybe Sisko was worried Dax would get too into the role of being a Klingon and start recognizing people and approaching them as though she knew them? That or Klingon sexism; having an additional female warrior being honored might have seemed too suspicious.

"Odo's changed his hairstyle so many times now, he doesn't know what he looks like."

True. And I'm glad that the episode didn't try to give a lot of tactical and strategic reasons for the Federation and Klingons being on the defensive, they just are. Which, to me, works better than a 5 minute voiceover of Sisko saying things like "Thanks to long supply lines and high shipyard construction, we have

If you weren't going to mention the "I tore my pants line," I was going to. That little scene is just such a perfectly human reaction to stress, and it really is hilarious.

I actually think Wendy got a really neat moment in her last appearance before this episode, where she basically throws Dipper out along with Robbie. I think the question is how they want to use Wendy in Season 2-she's clearly "clued in" to an extent about how weird things can be in Gravity Falls, but does she want to

Even if they hadn't been, you could explain it as something Crichton did earlier, when he had more hope of getting home soon: document as much as possible, so he could present actual evidence of alien contact rather than just insisting on it.

I can't remember the name, but I love the episode where Bill has to save Boomhauer from his depression over a woman. It's an amazing speech at the end, and one of the few times where Bill gets to be truly, realistically triumphant over a Hank and Dale who have no idea how to handle it.

I don't know, I think the Mordru fight benefits from being so scattered and only glimpsed at. It let them do crazy reveals in a few seconds that would otherwise be a whole episode, or be so horrifying in its implications that it wouldn't work in a kid's cartoon.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus All I know about New Balance is that when you're wearing size 19s, things like "style," "color," and "shame" go out the window. Do they fit? SOLD.

@avclub-e7ef57d189a8108fcc580fc2c6129f1c:disqus Exactly. It's an appropriate tactical maneuver here, where it was a waste of time and manpower back in Emissary for the Cardassians to wreck the place.

And during the departure, O'Brien shed a silent tear, as all of the work he did to make those EPS conduits work with the Cardassian technology was laid waste in an instant….