Tales to Enrage

It's a small moment, but I love Kira filing a formal protest about Starfleet not surrendering the station to Bajor before the fight starts…and then going right to her station to aid in the defense of DS9 and the Defiant. Bajor is mostly in the background of the series now, and the show is probably better for it, but

A Hulk style soldier would probably work best as a suicide-bomber style attack-sneak them in, give them the medication/trigger needed to get them pumped up and raging, and then watch the fireworks. Even better if it was part of a distraction. A huge green guy tearing up downtown is going to draw all the attention

Good point. And even with the "psychoactive drugs are driving Garak crazy!" explanation, it would have undermined any attempt to make Cardassians multi-faceted that early on.

Well, I assumed the reason for the soldiers being left behind was that the experiment was something of a failure, as they became too hostile to actually be controlled. Rather than killing the two, they made them into a booby trap for anyone foolish enough to come on board the station. Having said that, you have a

I unabashedly love Empok Nor, but at the same time, I wonder if it would have worked better in an earlier season.

Eddington's dead, and good riddance.

I think you put it perfectly. I was trying to think of a Founder comparison for Future Odo's actions earlier, but I couldn't put it together. Maybe that's another reason he doesn't appear around the other colonists, he feels they're beneath him now.

True, but after what happened with "Things Past," maybe Odo felt he can't afford to consciously hide anything from Kira. Hell, maybe he sees his crush in that same light-better to tell her as soon as he knows, rather than compounding something that wasn't his fault-his future self doing this deed-with something that

Probably not, but it's not like Cardassia was in great shape when the war started.

Oh, I think he loves her. He just doesn't love anyone else. In a way, the rest of the colonists are just as faceless and impersonal to him as they would be to someone reading a report about it once the Defiant gets back. The only thing he's really sacrificing is himself.

My question is how many crazy inbred cousins they locked in the basements before the Defiant came back. "We're all here, all perfectly healthy!"

I'm still trying to decide if it's great or terrible that it took an act of genocide to make it come out. I know Future Odo told Kira before that, but still.

And then Cardassians occupy an uncomfortable middle ground between the other three.

Is it just me, or is Future Odo's actions traumatizing to both Kira and Odo? After all, he's basically a stranger to Present Odo, even after they linked. And now the secret is out between the two, in possibly the worst way (for them). "Hey, so you know that secret crush I've had for a while that I accepted wouldn't

@avclub-40904cf5a179d97beb9f7f3f8c02e080:disqus EXACTLY. There's nothing smug or "wisdom of the soil" going on about it, it's about necessary subsistence farming. You get the impression that they might leave if they could, but it's just not an option.


But Weyoun just seems so affable and happy! Unless you insult the Founders (sports), in which case he gets MAD.


It also keeps Zach from snapping and tracking us down, going door to door, and strangling us over our comments.

But who's Felix and who's Oscar? I vote Dukat for Felix and Weyoun for Oscar.