Tales to Enrage

That scene makes me wish we could learn about Klingon doctors.

One of the best things they did with Ro and Forbes in this episode was during that first briefing, when she's not saying anything, trying not to upend everyone's assumptions…but when they ask for her specific opinion, she tells everyone they're being naive idiots about the problem, and that talking to the token

To be fair, almost all of Freeze's lines are awesome, and there's got to be a cutoff somewhere.

Personally, I'm hoping to see Nick Carraway doing a 3-D Matrix dodge on the shirts from Gatsby's closet. With bullet-style contrails included.

I thought he was an LC…I guess he's just a lieutenant. My mistake!

I would assume everyone in Klingon culture is considered a warrior, just to keep things functioning. Your Klingon mailman battles sloth and delays, cooks defeat flavor to bend it to their whim, carpenters force the wood and metal into submission, and farmers force the earth to give up its bounty LEST THEY FEEL THEIR

An interesting idea, but I think it wouldn't work. As a lieutenant commander, he probably wouldn't have the necessary heft to work well in that role, and he'd probably be quickly ousted by diplomatic complaints from the Duras faction.

Internet, its face red, its hands typing!

I think those Klingon ship builders were making fat bank. "Another battlegroup was destroyed this week." "YEAH! 15 more orders!"

If I remember correctly, the DS9 pilot was aired while TNG was still going, so maybe doing a review of it then would be appropriate, even if you do take that Trek break after finishing with TNG.

As it should, GreenspanDan. As it should. Every ship in Star Fleet probably has a different definition of the "Will Riker," just like no one in Venture Brothers could agree on what a "Rusty Venture" was.

At this point, a discussion of DS9, and a call for Zach to review that show as well, is both obligatory and expected in these reviews. Mind you, I support the idea, but it's a well-worn question hereabouts.

Well, he can't get Data drunk, so he might as well try to get him laid. How else will he mould Data into his perfect Riker disciple?

Yeah, I was hoping for a Zevon song too. Well, we'll just have to organize it for the next round!

Gotta give Troi some credit here too.
I know "Half A Life" isn't a Troi episode, but I think her scene with Lwaxana breaking down, talking about how personally threatened she feels by the Resolution business, is good for both actresses.

Oh, Worf.
This is probably one of the best uses for Worf in Next Generation, as he follows Satie almost all the way…but never with the same reason for his zeal. I think it's a subtle way of pointing out that the problem with Satie isn't her goal, but her methods and judgement. Worf doesn't become a less suspicious

He has a monocle, people!
I like the fact that the boss behind the safecracking group is unidentified. It would have been goofy as hell if this had been one of Batman's named villains.

Considering he's an international supervillain for environmentalism, he damn well better be!

He is, but at the same time, they talk about how they put out the money as the bait for the sting. Letting a group of safecrackers make off with that much money, straight from the police department budget, makes it look like it's another case of Gotham corruption.

I actually haven't seen Revenge of the Sith yet, after watching Menace and Clones. I decided that if Lucas wanted to hate-fuck my love of Star Wars, I wasn't going to pay the money to let him in a third time.