Tales to Enrage

Man, that message.
I was bothered by how good some of the music in this episode was for the atmosphere. My God, watching those kids trying to farm without any sunlight made no sense-NONE WHATSOEVER-and yet the music somehow sold the bleak idea that they were just trying to survive, and it was only by the Grace of God

A Mister Edward Nygma wouldn't be caught dead talking to either one?

So you're saying his story about coordinating things was just cover so Picard wouldn't prevent him from beaming down and freaking out Malcorian women with his strange anatomy?

Didn't mind the comedy in "First Contact," but….
…well, I did mind that Riker was the one in danger on the surface. I appreciated that he didn't get caught just because he was stupid-something unpredicted happened, he got hit by it, and was exposed thanks to well meaning medical treatment. But they never adequately

I don't want to say that the very end of "Clues" addresses all of that, but I like the look on Picard's face at the end. To me, it suggests that the second mind wipe was actually not as successful as the first….but that leads Picard to deciding this is NOT a mystery that needs to be solved. Somehow, he can tell that

Kudos on pointing out O'Brien's conversation with the Cardassian subordinate.
I think you're right that the conversation between Maxwell and O'Brien in the climax is a tremendously striking moment in the entire series-especially when Maxwell says "I'm not going to win this one, am I, chief?" The only thing that mars

I liked it because until Riker's scene where he calls Troi out on acting superior, everyone was walking on eggshells around her. "Well, I'm sure you can stay on." "Maybe it'll fix itself soon." And she's basically going "No one can understand my pain! Not even the guy who's actually blind, because it's like I'm blind!"

I know that I'm wrong.

Miller, I believe the Joker doesn't win there because he's unaware that Poison Ivy (in the continuity of the Animated Series) is immune to toxins, including his laughing gas. So he gases her, and then she shrugs it off…and kicks him in the crotch.

Well, I know that on the commentary they mention several different animation studios they sublet the work to. Even as a kid I noticed that you had groups of episodes that looked similar to each other. So I assume part of the problem is which animation studio got a particular episode.

I don't know, I think the best part of his work as the Joker is how many different ways the Joker laughs. It'd be misleading to say they're clear predictors of what he's going to do or how he feels, but they almost become like their own cues.

"It's not relentlessly cheery, is it?"

I think Gowron had a great introduction here. He didn't screw over Worf's family like Duras did, or conspire with the Romulans…but he's not the "good" candidate against Duras as the "bad" one. He's just the one who hasn't been as personally offensive to our main characters. The scene where he threatens K'Ehleyr is one

While I'd like to see two episodes myself, I think that should wait at least until after the first season, as we have a lot of characters being introduced in the first season, even if they don't all get origin episodes. As launching pads for discussions of the difference between the comics and the animated series,

The Joker's Favor is hands down, my favorite Batman episode of any series. Period. It's where I got my avatar, because it's probably the only-ONLY-time the Joker has been on the ropes not just physically, but emotionally. HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. For someone who creates chaos by carefully laid plans, it's a great

I was trying to be generous in imagining she was closer to Robert's age, but looked younger than he does, since Robert hates technology and would rather get his face caved in by a shovel than use anything to make himself look younger.

It was a secret genocide. They felt obligated to pretend it didn't happen, which is why they try to sing French children's songs to sell the idea.

So damn old.
The only thing that doesn't land for me in "Family" is a minor point-the age of Picard's brother and sister-in-law, versus the age of their child. I know it's the future, so who knows what kind of treatments there are, but it seems like they wouldn't be able to have a kid at that age. Not an important

I'm not sure-I think you could argue that they would assimilate someone's personality as well, as a form of information. They don't seem too discriminating in what they'll learn through assimilation, at least. It probably makes more sense to get all the information a culture has, then delete duplicate information than

You have to respect the Crusher Science. You never know when it'll deus ex fuck you up.