Tales to Enrage

Shelby's Promotion
I think having her as a first officer made a lot of sense, in that she wasn't familiar to Picard like anyone else would be. Picard as Locutus would pretty easily predict what First Officer Data or First Officer Worf would advise, but Shelby? She's not a complete unknown, obviously, but it's quite

You know…
This is just a thought here, not a fully formed opinion. But maybe you could take that lack of catharsis as a sign of what Jon Stewart meant with his ending speech. We still have work to do, and one rally-no matter what the cause or focus-isn't going to fix a major issue.

The anguish of the man…
I think the scene with Picard channeling Sarek's raging emotions only works as well as it does in context. It's still an amazing piece of acting (and let's be fair to Gates Mcfadden, she does respectable work alongside Stewart there), but if you were to show that scene to someone who hasn't

@Zach Handlen-

There's no crying in Starfleet!
Honestly, I think this is one time when overanalyzing failed you. I don't think "The Most Toys" would be a better episode without checking in on the Enterprise and their attempts to handle Data's death before it's revealed he's not dead. And come on, Picard's "Tempest" quote was awesome.

I was never a big music follower as a kid. The closest I got was the Talking Heads albums my parents played for me (which as an adult still blows my mind). So even when Kurt Cobain killed himself, for me it was a "Who's that?" moment rather than a tragedy.

Oh Lord.
If this turns out to be Deadwood Light by way of robotic spiders, then…

I think they got more badass from their redesign in the Star Trek movies, to be honest, and the redesign being carried over into Next Generation. Certainly Worf's early days as "designated jobber" didn't do much to make them seem badass, much as I love the character now.

Hell yes. I also like K'mpec specifically says that Worf earning Picard's trust has weight for the council.

Hell yeah, Brave and the Bold!

"If you intend to make me human…"
I always thought that was probably the best part about the ending-Q doesn't miss the chance to make Data human. Rather, he agrees with Data that this wouldn't be the best idea. It works a hell of a lot better by addressing that idea.

I always thought Whacking Day was a brilliant episode for two reasons-Homer's training sequence to prepare for the day, and Barry White's cry of "You people make me sick!" being met with cheers of enthusiasm.

That was a great episode of DS9. Unfortunately, they had to cut the footage of Ric Flair tossing Jem'Hadar off the top rope for time.

Something I just thought of-I felt really bad for the security that were with him when he defused the phaser. Mostly because judging from the one's expression, you know he wanted to start running away screaming from the area in case Worf failed.

Worf gets beaten again!
But at least this time, he puts up a decent fight before Rogar takes him out. Plus, he disarms a bomb without hesitation. Worf as a bad-ass actually feels plausible this episode.

That sounds like a Star Trek Novel right there. "Why did Riker and Troi break up? Because she met James Tiberius Mother Fucking Kirk!"

I thought that blowing up his ship was a great touch
As optimistic and nice as all the Federation people are, his comments about them yearning to get into his vessel and learn all about his technology is right on the money, even if he doesn't hear them actually talking about it. And it's a good example that Jarok is

I didn't think any narration could be as bad you made it sound, but the "Dreams are like that" one? That is probably the most pedestrian sounding attempt to be profound I've ever heard.

I always thought that the problem with Winchester wasn't the actor's performance or his specific writing, but the change in dynamic with the loss of Frank Burns. The show always had that preachy element, but Burns was the one character who it just rolled off of, because he was so self-righteous about his ideas. He was

I kind of like the one where she temporarily loses her abilities and freaks out, but denies she's freaking out.