Tales to Enrage

I think the reason goes something like this:

A nice send off moment for The Enemy, too.
I like that in the end, the second Romulan just says "I was not mistreated." No "They were great to me" or "This guy with the funny thing on his face is now my pal." Just the truth, with some grudging respect.

No Metroid, I suppose?
Technically it's coming out at the end of August, so I'll admit that for a fall and holiday preview, it slips just outside of the release dates in question. But I was hopeful you'd talk about it, since it's a pretty gutsy move for Nintendo to let Team Ninja work on it, and there have been some

I always thought "The Last Temptation of Homer" hit a really great balance for the episodes about Homer and Marge's marriage being in trouble. You get to see Homer in much the same position Marge is in for this week's episode, but they don't have Marge trying to discover if Homer is cheating on her-it's entirely an

I always thought the strongest moment of "Who Watches the Watchers" was the very end, when Picard is explaining the situation to the Mintakans, and you get to see that logic part of the Vulcan similarity-they're not as advanced, but they're not stupid. And as much as they might wish Picard would give them some great

I always thought Whacking Day was one of the best mobs in Simpsons. Just for the confrontation between Quimby and the mob, who cheer him after he lashes at them for being mindless followers. "Give us hell, Quimby!"

I think they also knew each other because Odo was considered the closest to neutral that you could get during the occupation. So the Bajorans didn't make him a target like they did the Cardassians and Bajoran collaborators, even though he was working with the Cardassians.

It does suck, but at least it made sense for the situation. It could have been worse-they could have killed her off screen, or had her be on a ship that exploded.

I find I'm more concerned with a show being honest about what it's selling. I enjoy Burn Notice because to me, the point of the show is to provide a framework for cool spy stuff that is decidedly low key, rather than them trying to save the world every week; it's a casual rejection of the Bond version of espionage as

I have to admit, I wasn't sure about seeing this movie before reading this review. But now that I've read it, I'm fascinated with seeing it. At the same time, I know I shouldn't buy tickets to a terrible movie, lest more terrible comic book movies about third string characters get made.

The idea of having O'Brien episodes instead of Troi ones sounds good, but now I have a terrifying vision of Counselor O'Brien, and Colm Meaney being forced to deliver that terrible dialogue with a straight face. I don't know how Marina Sirtis got through some if it, and I imagine Meaney would have gone insane in

Man, that picture.
I haven't watched the movie or listened to this talk….but that photo makes Crowe look like Scott's evil minion.

Oh! Forgot Paging the Crime Doctor, The Mechanic, Fire from Olympus, and Read My Lips.

Dumbledore Calrissian-

Hell yeah, Batman TAS!

Witness….its dismemberment!
I find it funny that the AV Club keeps bringing up the shame of Orson Welles at being Unicron. I don't disagree at all with the fact that it was him lowering himself down to the level of the Transformers, but at the same time, he lent the film that extra level of grandeur that made Unicron

My defense of that number is that it's meant to be tongue-in-cheek and silly. Really, the bars at the top are the only real measure of how much damage you do, and yet the attacks (especially the supers) can be ridiculously over the top….realistically, how is a Japanese karate devotee, wearing nothing but some cloth,


Once again, I disagree with the AV Club's rating on a game….
….but this time, it's more of a difference of opinion in my mind than a "You are living in an alternate reality" rage.

Plato, you are one messed up guy.
I always enjoyed this episode by viewing the cruelty of these aliens as not being some thing they had before they met Plato or as a corruption of Plato's philosophy, but something they developed from his systems. After all, the ancient Greeks were biased as hell against anyone who