euripides trousers

Again, a review of an entire season after only watching the pilot? Wtf? I'm cranky

C'mon AVClub, this "C" grade may well turn out to be true, but it's not really professional giving a review/grade on an entire season by only watching the pilot.

Well, unlike the Japanese, they do have an L sound in their language, but that sound is always at the beginning of a word or character - Li, Liang, Lu, for example. They (my students) have trouble with words where the L sound is elsewhere in the word, like: ball, wall, world, etc.

Please give him a football to the groin from me at the next family bbq

It's up to Swift, the songwriter, or more likely her record company to give the ok. Though, even if he didn't get permission, as long as he paid the appropriate royalties to the songwriter, a lawsuit would be a rare occurrence.

The Alice in Chains song?

Love him or hate him, Noel always speaks his mind. And for that, I have the utmost respect.

Please be more specific and say "people born after 1990 are stupid"

True. But also a Scientologist, which brings him down a peg or two.

Lucky man

Is she local?

The "B" stands for "better than Ryan Adams"

Or it might take mediocrity to enjoy mediocrity, no matter who wrote the song.

Switch to a more mature genre? Try telling that to Madonna.

For a second I thought that said "Bryan Adams" - hopes dashed quickly.

Actually, if you've been keeping up with AV Undercover recently, most of the commentariat have been saying the complete opposite.

And I'm still trying to get people to watch this documentary. It's an eye opener, even if you already knew before watching it that Scientology is fucking batshit crazy.

87: The devil's number in cricket, but also a great innings. May he rest in peace

I'm game. But on the other side of a vast ocean, unfortunately.

Ffs, it's 2015. And who explains "adult "jokes to their children anyway. The great thing about the Muppets has always been its appeal across all age groups. The adult jokes are for adults, presumably - but I guess that leaves out the fuckwits in 1MM.