euripides trousers

You give too much credit to humans

It's not a documentary. It's fiction.

Not a great example for proving your theory

I'm in China and I can watch Netflix. I mean I can watch Netflix shows. I mean I download Netflix shows … using torrents.
What I really mean is the TV here is fucking abysmal and the only way to see anything good is to download it using less than above-board methods.
Is that such a crime?

Have been anticipating the return of this show. Can't wait to binge on it over the weekend.

Shock horror: In real life, young women also pursue older men.


I'd rather be the feedbag

Am I the only one who thinks the "Kill Bills" kinda sucked big hairy balls?

You lose a few points for that first sentence, Kayla.

The decline of civilisation right here

It's probably one of the most uncomfortable scenes of the series


Well, yeah, there are those similarities. Haha
Lot less fighting and club though too

That tag line should read: "AVClub finally finds Mr. Robot".
who gives a fuck what's it's called or what network it's on? It's summer and there's fuck all else to watch.
I must be missing the Fight Club similarities others are alluding to.

Damn! I hoping to see an inmate go to town on Bill's behind with a spoon on HBO's reboot of Oz.

I think a lot of these are trying just a little too hard to be clever. And some of the photos are just hideous - Rob Lowe looks like he just overdosed on botox and Mads Mikkelsen looked better last week after having the shit kicked out of him

Going on the strength of last season, this is good news.

I wish trailers were called previews like they should be.

I'm still waiting