
The kid's been more than credible in the two movies I've seen him in, and about the only decent aspect of KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL, so he gets a pass from me. Hopefully he develops better taste in movies now that he's got some amount of cachet, but as far as "career moves" goes, he's hardly mis-stepped; I'm just

Boy, did I dislike that movie. the bastard sequel BENJAMIN BUTTON was only marginally better.

Er… "The first time…"

GALIPOLLI and others
Thee first time I saw GALIPOLLI, the ending pretty much wiped me out.

So… about a C+?

Haven't seen that one.

Even if you think he backed into good performances in BOOGIE NIGHTS, THREE KINGS, and HUCKABEES, you can't front on Wahlberg in THE DEPARTED.

"Intimidating helpless women is part of what I do."

"The… eggs… Sir?"

TWO PLACES was the entry point, by the way.

I got into it because a friend's dad had gotten him into it.


My parents had pretty much zero culture
They had a few records they never played except for SING ALONG WITH MITCH (Miller) at Christmas. A Bible, one old set of encyclopedias even I realized were dated, and a subscription to NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. The only movie we ever went to as a family was 1776. I knew Dad had

I'm particuylarly down for "Slick."

They weren't divorced
They were never married, were they?

Remember the time the lead ran up to houseman yelling, "YA WANNA PIECE OF ME!? I'M RIGHT HERE!"

I remember this from Showtime
I taped each episode while I was in high school, and used to dream that college would be so challenging and vigorous. Holy fuck, was I wrong.

You're just mean.

Stephen prince in TAXI DRIVER
This is really stretching it, but the gun salesman in TAXI DRIVER was Neil Diamond's road manager for a while.

Phil Spector