
John Lennon burst out of the gate with two albums that remain rock-solid classics: "Plastic Ono Band" and "Imagine".  Masterpieces, both.  I agree that the rest of his solo catalogue is hit and miss—of course, it's tough to evaluate, as there isn't a lot.  Six solo albums 1970-1975 (one of which was a cover album),

It is nice indeed to see Paul McCartney get his due as an artist—not that he wasn't always popular with the music-listening public, but it's nice to see that the hipster douchebags aren't ripping him anymore.

A great moment in SNL history.  Still remember the wild applause from the audience after Chris Farley got off an actual question.

Some of us share accounts. Like Ermac. We are many.

You think I got kicked out because of just the aquarium? Nah, it was the handjob. And you know what else? It was worth it.

well said EVL, and you finished an entire paragraph without *fainting dead away* The tincture of laudanum seems to be working wonders for your strength and vitality.

and the opposite of a handjob between friends is…?

Sitcoms are a social construction, too though.
As is relating to an audience through a previously recorded, long-distance broadcast video medium.

Grammtically, that makes no sense. Just because they are old words doesn't mean you can pretend they don't conjugate.

That's a kinda cheap way to put it.

Gibberish, what is this "Batman & Robin" I'm powerless to remember anything like that.

By the Elder Gods, I hate the illiterate, porno spelling of "come"!

I think she was saying boo-urns.

Some of the souls in Ermac are ladies and take offense to your jokes, O'Neal! But the men who make up Ermac are elighted! Ermac has agreed to compromise: make half as many jokes next time.

Or the dogs with bees in their mouths, and when they bark they shoot bees at you?

I like how you like that. That's why I clicked "like" on your post.

Oh, spacedust. Should be, "How to Cook for Four-Hundred and Forty-Four Humans and Definitely Not Eat Them Ever"

That Simpsons episode wasn't exactly forgotten by the show. In another episode, Skinner points out that Lisa is naming her brand new cat "Snowball" and is going to, in future episodes, pretend it was always the same cat. So Lisa's comeback is to call him Principal Tamzarian. Although Lisa was never tortured. so maybe

Obligatory "say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos,"