Stroker Ace

I read the Wired article and it's pretty good stuff, but it doesn't really have a hook in me yet. I almost think it could benefit from some serialization, but I'm still at the beginning, so you know the melting is green. Lighting indigo on fire will burn until somebody throws a pumpkin swimming pool onto a minotaur's

Pat Hingle was also Commish Gordon for both of the Joel Schumacher movies as well. I think Hingle and Michael Gough (Alfred) are the only ones to do all 4. Note that Hingle plays a fairly notable role in Batman & Robin when he is seduced by Poison Ivy. A little bit of trivia: Uma Thurman was married to temptation's

It just seemed fortuitous that the NFL settling the concussion lawsuit happens in his first week. This is just one of those things that is right up his alley. Olbermann is best when he can perch himself upon a soapbox and drop opinion bombs all over the chocolate bumblebees in the king's Egyptian welfare reform. It's

My good friend is a famous Hollywood podiatrist and he had Miss Pena as a patient. Obviously, he couldn't betray any doctor-patient confidentiality, so I had to be sneaky when I asked how great her feet were. I took him to the bowling alley and gave him a ball and told him to pretend that her feet were bowling pins

If you mean "the Pee Wee Herman influence", I get it. Both Comedy Bang Bang and Pee Wee's Playhouse are fun jaunts, but the moment they are over, they are quickly forgotten. You might have brief glimpses stuck in your memory banks of something that happened on Pee Wee's Playhouse, but do you remember an entire show?