
"We don't want freedom….We don't want justice"
Yup, sounds like Texas.

I thought masturbation reduced the risk of prostate cancer. This reminds me of the rally we had in high school where this motivational speaker told us that smoking pot makes you infertile. So, of course, the pot smokers stopped using protection during sex.

I wanted to punch Herbert Jr. in the face every time I read about someone lifting their chin.

The Tooth!

Well, on the plus side, the invasion of Afghanistan really helped lower the price of herion.

So deciding where to eat lunch is the most important part of the creative process?

It's fascinating. Now I usually step in right before they are about to walk away and sell them my favorite brand.

I believe he was crying a little bit at the end.

Every time I go to the grocery store, invariably, there is someone staring a wall of 80 different varieties of yogurt. After about a minute, they walk away without buying anything.

Well, there's always Pita Inn.

I heard thats how Bruce Lee died.


So you are saying to pair him up with Alan Moore?

Kaufman to direct?

He clearly said the mayor declares a tax on pot holds.

'ce n'est pas un gros nez rouge'

Where's Firefly?

Klaatu bikini nikto!
*sends the Necronomicon back to hell with sexy results*

The Illuminatus! Trilogy or GTFO.