Al Pacino

Personally I prefer The Concert in Needle Park.

There are no Asian pop stars in America: Discuss.

Please allow ME to introduce MYself

All I want, all I FUCKING want…is to save TIME…in a FUCKing BOTTLE!

Here's the deal. You can have sex with one, but you have to have sex with all of them.

Everyone but me.

How does one get funding for a hooker lab exactly?

Range? I'll show you range! Hoo-ahh!

She's an acquired taste.

I'm available.

Gonna guess that "daughter" and "dad" weren't really related.

I said all those, but better.

You're all queer.

You just cost me $5,000.

YOU tryin' ta help IKE?

I was workin' on Serpico, back in 1972 and I'm on the set and this skinny kid with a pompadour comes strollin' along…LIKE HE OWNS THE FUCKING PLACE…and he has the BALLS to drink my latte…

Where did you learn your trade, you fucking cunt?

Where's my zany buddy picture?

Hoo-ahh! Mo-foo-ahh!

You know what your problem is, pussy cat?