
The bottom half of Leanne's wedding dress really reminded me of a bulb of garlic. Somehow her model made it work though — the fabric was gorgeous against her complexion and the lanky frame and confident walk made me wonder why we don't see more lovely, garlicky wedding dresses in the world.

Love your face, hpnerd, but you're not exactly out there on a limb with your predictions. It's truly a testament to Suede's suedeness that he is still here, and the only upset really left is if Kenley is booted before he is. And if there is a God, that will happen next week. (The part of God will be played by LL Cool

Tired of all the whining
These designers know this is a competition, right?! So why spend the first two hours of a challenge complaining about your less-than-ideal circumstances? Then, when the judges question them, they have to point out again that the models picked out the fabric. Yeah, they know that.

I think the good people who run the Empire State Games have spelled out the designations pretty clearly. Always look to the jocks, people, they keep it simple.

I liked this drink better when it was called the Flaming Homer.

Sure, Alfred, the crazier the women are the more we're all FASCINATED by them.

But does Irn Bru contain a wee bit of sheep urine?

No, I wasn't pregnant. That's a different pickle story.

Sugar on snow
The best time and place for a pickle is when you've got a dish of shaved ice with some steaming hot maple syrup drizzled on top. The first time I tried this and was asked if I wanted a pickle with it, I thought they were playing a joke on the flatlander. What the hell am I supposed to do with that pickle?

poo samples
If disgusting displays of food are your thing, check out BBC America's "You Are What You Eat." It airs right around dinner time. Steaming piles of shame and regret really stimulate the appetite.

stray observations about Chris
1. Is anybody else curious about his experiences crafting food into clothes? I know he comes from a costume design background, but last I checked, food generally doesn't come into play. I really want to see some of those creations.

Not quite forgotten…
but I had never heard of these before my mother-in-law began insisting my kids watch these (at all times of years):

An A+ in baby making 101
I somehow feel vindicated that I never let my kids watch Zoey 101, but I would love to see them write the pregnancy into the show. Did Dean Rivers finally give in to all his naughty, naughty urges?