Phil McCracken

The balls are in your court now

Ride Along 2? FUCK YOU IT'S JANUARY!!!!

I didn't expect many ROM the Spaceknight truthers here, but I appreciate your gusto. Honestly, I didn't remember much of ROM's adventures from my youth just that his name was funny and some of the covers looked crappy. I was more of a DC kid back in the day.

You needed to pick up some copies of ROM the Spaceknight because then the cover would be just as disappointing as what's inside

Having spent a fair amount of time in Cicero I can honestly say that a little human shit in/on your car is not the worst thing that can happen to you in that neck of the woods

I think it stands for Yolo Menstruation System and it is something that women deal with once a month. *Tips fedora* You're welcome.


That's it I am headed to Cicero to take a shit in someone's sunroof to celebrate. Yes I know it's January and nobody has their sunroofs open….I didn't say this was a well thought out plan.

First ISIS and now this. Thanks Fallon.

I am sorry I couldn't hear your comment because my Zune was turned up too loud? Come again?

I am surprised Bryan Cranston isn't getting more love for Operation Trumbo Drop

I don't know I just read an article where the AVClub told me this movie was totally fetch and sure to win an Oscar….so its totally hot right now

Like a baby with herpes?

The disembodied head of a Native American that I keep in a box in my closet shall be very excited about this news. Very excited indeed!

The disembodied head of a Native American that I keep in a box in my closet shall be very excited about this news. Very excited indeed!

Gattaca!! Gattaca!!

I love that he got into showbiz playing Guido Panzini…mamma mia thatsa one spicy meatball!!!

Tip o the cap to the doctor that did her implants

Needs moar garlic sauz

There you go again. Not givin a fuck when it ain't your turn to not give a fuck.